International Jewish Cemetery Project
International Association of Jewish Genealogical Societies



US Commission No. 000058

Csajag is located in Veszprem, (47º03 18º11), 82km from Budapest. Cemetery: N of village beyond railroad by start of Sport utca. Town population is 1,000-5,000 with no Jews.

  • Local: Polgarmesteri Hivatal of 8163 Csajag Petofi utca 1 Ph: 8083380.
  • Regional: MAZSIHISZ of Sip U.12, H-1075, Budapest Phone: (011-361) 122-6475/78.
  • Interested: Markus Zoltan.
  • Caretaker: the local government (mayor's office)

The Jewish cemetery was established in 19th century. Csizmadia Ferenc (teacher in the community between 1852-86) is buried here. The last known Jewish burial was 1936. Between fields and woods, the isolated flat land has no sign or marker. Reached by turning directly off a public road, access is open to all via a ditch and no gate. Pre- and post-WWII size of cemetery is 0.10 hectares.

20-100 gravestones, 25-50% toppled or broken, date from 1868-20th century. The marble, limestone and sandstone flat shaped stones or finely smoothed and inscribed stones have Hebrew and Hungarian inscriptions. The cemetery contains special memorial monuments to Holocaust victims but no known mass graves or structures exist. The national Jewish community owns the cemetery. Adjacent properties are agricultural. The cemetery was vandalized occasionally in the last ten years, but not since local non-Jewish residents did restoration in 1989. There is no current care. Security is serious threat. Erosion and vegetation are moderate threats.
Peter Wirth completed survey and visited site on 1/10/91. Interviewed was Markus Zoltan at Csajag, Tancsics U.3 on 01/10/1991.