town website Located at the ford of the Radečka and Úpa rivers abd a strategic point for patrolling the trade route called "Kladská trhovka“ from Náchod, trhough Hronov and Rtyně and toDvůr Králové, from Úpice and in Batňovice this path split off across the Jestřebí mountains up to the north. Úpice probably is older than a castle above Havlovice built in 1279 by Tas of Havlovice. The settlement of Úpice, later a town, was connected with Vizburg castle until its ruin in 1447 when the town of Úpice joined the Náchod estate. As the only town of the Vizmburg estate, Upice had many privileges such as the right of brewing, markets etc. Úpice was loyal to the Hussites. and therefore invaded twice by the Catholic Silasians; the town was burned in 1421 and 1425.The first school was built in 1604. A 1625 fire destroyed the Church and sixteen houses. From the Thirty Year War through 1866, Upice saw repeated military action. In the second half of the 19th century industrial development reached Úpice thanks to the Jewish families of Morawetz, Buxbaum, and Oberlender and their textile and machine factories. Today, almost six thousand people live in Úpice. The town of Úpice was home to world reknown writer, Karel Čapek, and his painter and writer brother, Josef. Painter Julie Winterová Mezerová is exhibited in the old town hall, today a museum on the square.[February 2009]
US Commission No. CZCE000412
Alternate name: Eipel in German and Úpice in Czech Upice is located in Bohemia-Trutnov at 50°30′45″N 16°00′55″E, 9 km SE of Trutnov and 15 km NW of Nachod. Cemetery: 250 Km SW of square in Chelcickeho street of church. Present town population is 5,000-25,000 with probably no Jews.
- Town: Mestsky Urad, 542 32 Upice; tel. 439/93-2533; Mayor Engineer Temin; tel. 0439-2730.
- Regional: Okresni urad, Horska ulice, 541 00 Trutnov; tel. 0439/3252 or 4251. Zidovska Nabozenska Obec v Praze, Maislova 18, 110 01 Praha 1; tel. 02/231-69-25.
- Caretaker with key (custodian of municipal cemetery): Technicke sluzby mesta, Plickova 842, 542 32 Upice; tel. 0439/93-26-21.
Vlastmila Hamackova, Zabelska 37, Martina Chmelikova, Nad Ondrejovem 16, 140 00 Praha 4; tel. 02/69-20-350; and Jiri Fiedler, z"l, Brdickova 1916, 155 00 Praha 5, tel/02/55-33-40 completed survey on 27 August 1992. Documentation: Die Juden und Judengemeinden Bohemens...(1934). No site visits or interviews occurred.