
Today, part of Český Brod (Böhmisch Brod).


US Commission No. CZCE000164

Part of town of Cesky Brod, Pristoupim is located in Bohemia, Kolin at 50°03' N, 14°53' E, 2 km SE of Cesky Brod and 18 miles E of Praha (Prague). Cemetery: 300 meters N, near the road to Cesky Brod. Present town population is under 1,000 with than 10 Jews.

Earliest known Jewish community was 1724. 1930 Jewish population was 10 in Prestoupim and 74 in Cesky Brod. Jews moved to Cesky Brod and big towns in second half of 19th century. The Jewish probably landmarked cemetery originated in 18th century. With last known Conservative or Progressive/ Reform Jewish burial for local inhabitants in 1939, in the cemetery is 1945, the collective grave of eight women from railway transport from Auschwitz. Kostelec nad Cernymi lesy (Ger: Schwarzkosteletz), 7 km away, probably Bykan (Ger: Wikan), 8 km away, and Kounice (Kaunitz), 6 km away, used site. The isolated suburban hillside has no sign or marker. Reached by crossing public football field, access is open to all via a continuous masonry wall and non-locking gate. The pre- and post-WWII size of cemetery is 0.4298 ha.

500-5000 stones, most in original location, date from mid-18th-20th century. The marble, limestone, sandstone and slate flat shaped stones, finely smoothed and inscribed stones, flat stones with carved relief decoration or multi-stone monuments have Hebrew, German and Czech inscriptions. Some have traces of painting on their surfaces and/or metal fences around graves. The cemetery contains marked mass graves, no structures, and no special sections. Praha Jewish community owns cemetery. Adjacent properties are recreational and residential. Occasionally, private visitors stop. Vandalism occurred occasionally 1981-91. Jewish groups within the country did the restoration in 1973 and 1991 with no maintenance. Serious threat: uncontrolled access. Moderate threat: pollution. Slight threat: weather erosion and vegetation.

Vlastmila Hamackova, Zabelska 37, Martina Chmelikova, Nad Ondrejovem 16, 140 00 Praha 4; tel. 02/69-20-350 and Jiri Fiedler, z"l, Brickova 1916, 155 00 Praha 5; tel. 02/55-33-40 completed survey on 27 May 1992. Documentation: Hugo Gold: Die Juden und Judengemeinden Bohemens…(1934); Jan Herman: Jewish Cemeteries of Bohemia and Moravia (1980); Irena Mala and Ludmila Kubatova: Pochody smrti (1965). Other documentation was inaccessible. The site was not visited. Frismanova, Pritoupim, was interviewed in 1992.

Parent Category: EASTERN EUROPE