
Alternate names: Mořině, Mořina,Gross-Morschin or Gross-Morzin. Jewish cemetery photos and photos [February 2009]

Walking path: "Begins in Karlštejn by the Oak of Seven Brothers and goes through Mořina (an old Jewish cemetery) to Roblín,Vonoklasy and Černošice and ends in Prague Radotín." [February 2009]

Cemetery was found in 1735 - 36. Oldest legible tombstone is from 1741. On the mortuary is Latin letters and Hebrew plaque from the time of establishing cemetery. General renewal of the cemetery began in 1998 and still nowis general reconstruction of the almost ruined mortuary, repaired more stone grav -yard walls and stabilized all fallen and involved gravestones. Cemetery with perhaps 150 Baroque and  Classical gravestones. In Mořina was also born Jakob Eduard Pollak (1818 - 1891 Vienna), personal physician of Iranian shah, organizer of technical standardization of health service and patron geographical researchs. Source with photo. [February 2009]


Parent Category: EASTERN EUROPE