
photos and synagogue photos. The Jewish synagogue in Děčin is situated only a few hundred meters from the Děčin municipality part, Podmokly. The synagogue’s origin is connected a large financial collection carried out in 1882 among the local businessmen. Eventually the synagogue was built and consecrated in 1907 by Rabbi Max Freud. Services took place here until 1938. Even though Děčín was part of the Sudety, the synagogue was not destroyed and survived the World War II. During the war it served as a storage place and later as an aircraft modeling workshop. Not much changed after the war when the synagogue was turned into a district archive. The building was returned to the Jewish community in 1996. map [February 2009]

About 50 stones were removed from the cemetery in Podmokly-Rozbelesy to Decin and then subsequently sold or stolen. Vandalized in 1953-1970, the site was finally liquidated and became a garden. [February 2009]

Alternate names: Děčín [Cz], Tetschen [Ger], Tetschen-Bodenbach. In Sudetenland before WWII. Encyclopedia of Jewish Life (2001), p. 299: "Decin". General information about the Decin region. The Děčin Jewish Community  founded on 30th July 1887 had 162 members. 1930 Jewish population was 400. After 1938, the Jewish Community ceased to exist. In 1994 the Town Hall gave returned the synagogue to the Jewish Community and landmarked it in 1996. In 1997, total reconstruction began on the synagogue in very bad condition. [February 2009]

Jewish community:  Židovská obec Děčín, Žižkova 4, 405 02 Děčín IV, Czech Republic. Telephone: +420 412 531 095.This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Head of Děčín Jewish Community, Vladimír Poskočil and Deputy Head of Děčín Jewish Community: Mrs. Zinaida Kirillova. Web site [February 2009]


US Commission No. CZCE000075
[also used cemetery at Teplice-Sobedruhy until 1890; Podmokly, part of Decin] Alternate name: Tetschen; Tetschen-Bodenbach c. Decin-Podmokly in German. Decin is located in Bohemia, Decin at 50º47 14º13', 16 km NE of Usti nad Labem. 11 miles NE of Ústí nad Labem, near the German border Cemetery: 2 km E cadastre of Folknare (German: Falkenberg). Present town population is 25,000-100,000 with 10-100 Jews.

Earliest known Jewish community was Jewish congregation for Podmokly and Decin (seat in adjoining town of Podmokly) founded 1887. 1930 Jewish population was 515 for merged towns Decin-Podmokly. [Jewish population: 162 (in 1887), 515 (in 1930)] The unlandmarked Jewish cemetery originated in 1952 with last known Progressive/Reform or Orthodox Jewish burial probably before 1956. The suburban hillside, part of a municipal cemetery, has no sign or marker. Reached by turning directly off a private road, access is open with permission via continuous masonry wall and locking gate. The approximate size of cemetery is now about 6300 sq m ha. No stones are in original locations. The cemetery has no special sections or known mass graves. Within the limits of the site is a pre-burial house. A private owner uses it for crops or animal grazing and gardens. Adjacent properties are agricultural and municipal cemetery. Rarely, private visitors stop. Vandalism occurred 1945-1981 (vandalized probably 1953-70) and removed about 1975. There is no maintenance. Slight threat: vegetation.

Jan Marek, Na hranici 208, 405 05 Decin and Jiri Fiedler, z"l, Brdickova 1916, 155 00 Praha 5 completed survey on 25 May 1992. No documentation was used. The site was not visited. Dr Rosenkranz (see above) was interviewed in 1992.

Parent Category: EASTERN EUROPE