
Alternate names: Bosin and Janova Ves [Germ] and Bosyně [Czech]. Bosyně is a village in the district of Melnik. Located about 1.5 km NE of Vysoké. Population: 86 registered addresses with 103 inhabitants. Bosyně is also the name of the cadastral area of ​​1.87 square kilometers.

Janova Ves photos [February 2009]

website in Czech with photo: "The landmarked cemetery is located 500 meters N of the village on the edge of the forest, 100 meters from the road Bosyně-Vysoke village, accessible by a dirt road. The boundary encloses an elongated cemetery just off the original wall. Established by the 18th century. 40 tombstones or portions of gravestones remain, located mainly in the NW part of the complex. The oldest dates from the second half of the 18th century, the newest is from 1886 (tombstone of Elizabeth Fischer Nebužely). The gravestones are preserved only slight remnants of walls. The cemetery is partially wooded, so until 2005 little was spent for its maintenance. In 2005 several dead trees were eliminated, the resetting of simple tombstones and the cemetery fence." [September 2011]

US Commission No. CZCE000063:

Alternate/former German names: Bosin and Janova Ves. Located in Melnik, Bohemia at 50º 25' 14º 33', 8 km NE of Melnik and 35 km N of Praha. Cemetery: 600 meter NE of town near the road to Janova Ves. Present town population is less than 1,000 with no Jews.

Town: Obecni urad, 277 24 Vysoka u Melnika.

Regional: 1. Okresni Urad, Referat Kultury, 276 01 Melnik and 2. Zidovska Nabozenska Obec v Praze, Maislova 18, 110 01 Praha 1; tel. 02/231-69-25.

Interested: 1. Okresni Muzeum, Cs. Armady 19, 276 01 Melnik; tel. 0206/2845 and 2. Statni Zidovske Muzeum, Jachymova 3, 110 01 Praha 1; tel. 02/231-06-34 or 231-07-85.

No record of Jewish community in Bosyne OR a 1930 Jewish population (census) was 3. [sic] Jewish cemetery originated probably the 18th century, but definitely before 1842 with last known Jewish burial: probably before WWI. Probably Liblice (Ger. Liblitz.), about 11 km away, used this unlandmarked cemetery between woods and field, isolated on flat land with no sign. Reached by turning directly off a public road, access is open via no wall, fence, or gate but by a hedge or row of trees. Size of cemetery before and after WWII is 0.1338 ha. 1-20 gravestones, some in original locations and more than 75% toppled or broken, date from the late 18th -19th century. The limestone and sandstone flat shaped stones or flat stones with carved relief decoration are Hebrew and/or German inscribed. The cemetery contains no known mass graves. Praha Jewish community owns property used for Jewish cemetery only. Adjacent properties are agricultural. Occasionally, private visitors stop. Vandalism occurred probably prior to World War II and between 1945 and ten years ago. No care or maintenance. Within the limits of the cemetery are no structures. Vandalism is a serious threat (secluded spot.) Security (uncontrolled access) is a moderate threat. Weather erosion, pollution, and Vegetation are a slight treat. Vegetation overgrowth seasonally prevents access.

Jiri Fiedler, z"l, Brdickova 1916, 155 00 Praha 5; tel. 02/55-33-40 completed survey on 12 May 1992. Documentation: 1. Jan Herman: Jewish Cemeteries in Bohemia and Moravia (1980); 2. Censuses of 1615, 1620,1724, mid-18th century, and 1930; 3. Cadastre [a public record, survey or map of the value, extent and ownership of land as a basis of taxation] [a public record, survey or map of the value, extent and ownership of land as a basis of taxation] of 1842; 4. Letter from District Archives of Melnik (1986.) Other documentation exists but was too old. He visited site in 1990.

Parent Category: EASTERN EUROPE