International Jewish Cemetery Project
International Association of Jewish Genealogical Societies


Dalj, Dalja, Dálya, Dállya, Dallia, Teutoburgium. 45°29' N 18°59' E, 145.6 miles E of Zagreb.

Wikipedia: " village on the Danube in eastern Croatia, near the confluence of the Dravaand Danube, on the border with Serbia. It is connected with the D519 highway and administratively located in the municipality ofErdut, Osijek-Baranja County.". [July 2014]

Jewish Population: 1947- 0; 1994-0. See: Gruber, Ruth Ellen. Jewish Heritage Travel: A Guide to East-Central Europe. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc, 1992.[1997]

Cemetery:A handwritten memorial book for the dead in Dalj from early 20th century is preserved in the Jewish Historical Museum in Belgrade (Yugoslavia). The synagogue building sold in 1948. The building still exists. Jewish Community belonged to the J.C. in nearby Osijek. Source: Srdjan Matic, MD, 40 West 95th Street, Apt. 1-B, New York, NY 10025.[1999]