Also see BENDER


Winnipeg Synagogues:



Bnay Abraham Cemetery: 4639 Main St, West St. Paul, 1921- , 2075 graves, (204) 339-9297. On Main Street, a few miles North of Winnipeg, the first burial was in 1921. This still active cemetery [2000] now averages about thirty burials per year. Owned and maintained by B'nay Abraham Synagogue, 235 Enniskillen Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada R2V 0H6; Ph: (204) 339-9297. 2075 burials listed, 12 names cross-referenced. Data is from the Synagogue's records. Data has not been double-checked at the cemetery. [2000]

Children of Israel Jewish Cemetery:  484 Almey St, Transcona, 1883-1933, 113graves, (204) 452-3711. Shaarey Zedek Synagogue has records. According to Archival Sources for the Study of Canadian Jewry, Second Edition 1978 by Lawrence Tapper, published by the National Archives of Canada, the following collection can be found at The National Archives of Canada in Ottawa: Chesed Shel Emes Chapel (est. 1930), Winnipeg MG 28, V 153. Microfilm, 1946-1969, 1 reel, M-7752, The Chesed Shel Emes Chapel, also known as the Chevrah Kadisha, was established in 1930 to serve the Jewish community of Winnipeg and to a lesser extent Western Canada. Documents were microfilmed in 1986 as a joint project of the Provincial Archives of Manitoba and the National Archives of Canada. The originals are with the Chesed Shel Emes Chapel. Directory of the Deceased, 1946-1969 covers all Jewish burials in Winnipeg, listing the name of the deceased, the date of death, the date of burial and the cemetery of burial. The entries, in English and Hebrew, are arranged alphabetically and chronologically.

Hebrew Sick Benefit Cemetery: Lot 23, McPhillips St., 1910- present, 3347graves, (204) 582-2353

Hebrew Congregation of Winnipeg Beach: 16 Grove St, 1951-present

Rosh Pina Cemetery: Main St, 1955-present, 3 graves out of about 1,500 stones [2000], (204) 589-6305

Shaarey Zedek Cemetery: 230 Armstrong Ave & Main St, 1894-present, 10,000 graves, (204) 452-3711

Parent Category: CANADA