
Plashet Cemetery, 361 Manor Park, High Street North, Manor Park, London E12 6PQ (United Synagogue) (closed) +44 20 8472 0554:

Founded 1896. It is now an unattended cemetery, looked after from East Ham/Marlow Road by the North East London office of the United Synagogue Burial Society. The phone number of that office is +44 (0) 181 518 2868. The names were compiled from photocopies of the original ledgers, supplied by Charles Tucker, Archivist for the Court of the Chief Rabbi, London. Source: Raymond Peentner. Photographs of the graves at Plashet Cemetery which is at 361 Manor Park High Street North, London E12.

UPDATE: The United Synagogue Burial Society, London, announced restricted opening times opening hours 10:00 to 14:00, other times by prior arrangement only. Source: "United Synagogue Annual Review 5761" [JewishGen Digest 5 September 2001]
The United Synagogue Burial Society has address, hours, and map and photos and tombstone maintenance and hours at 020 8950 7767 and select option 2. Melvyn Hartog, Head of Burial, Tel: 020 8343 6283. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. [June 2011] [August 2003]

UPDATE: The photographs are of gravestones in Plashet and maybe other Jewish cemeteries. Many of those listed were taken in the period 1904 to 1920 and at West Ham. Please contact Tony Jones whose email does not work [May 2009]. The data includes Tony's reference number (e.g. F010 for photo number), a digest of the visible English inscriptions, date of death, type of stone material, the probable location and the probable date of the original photograph being taken. He also has a picture of the Plashet Cemetery main gate along main aisle.

UPDATE: Hours are more severely restricted. This cemetery is closed (not disused) as they actually had a burial there only a couple of months ago. The only way to gain access to this cemetery is by appointment. They try to open it for a group of people at a time because they have to drive from Bushey to East Ham to open up the cemetery. Source: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. [May 2009]

UPDATE: I have just published a book about Plashet Cemetery called Plashet - Gone, but Not Forgotten: 1896-1900. I contains biographical details of 177 people who were buried in the first five years of the cemeteries use. Lots of information about the ordinary Jewish community of London. Useful for genealogical and family history purposes. . Source:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. [October 2013]

The United Synagogue website has a "Find a Grave" search facility (at that enables one to search for a grave at its cemeteries, including this one. The search result will generally include the date of burial, the position of the grave and a photograph of the gravestone, if available. Source: David Shulman, Webmaster JCR-UK [June 2017]

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