For information on the modern Jewish community and congregations of York, see York on JCR-UK.
For information on the medieval Jewish Community in York (prior to 1290), see Medieval York on JCR-UK.

There was a medieva Jewish cemetery in York but there is no modern Orthodox Jewish Cemetery in the city. "Arrangements have been made between ...[the Leeds Old Hebrew C]ongregation and the newly-formed congregation at Doncaster whereby the former are granting burial facilities in their cemetery at Gildersome. A similar arrangement .......... is still in operation with the York Congregation." Jewish Chronicle 26 June 1914, page 32. Source: Harold Pollins.

However, since 2017, there has been a Liberal Jewish section of the city municipal cemetery.



"There is a mound of earth close by the River Ouse called Baile Hill, upon which stands Clifford's Tower built in the 13th century to replace a wooden Norman tower burned during the "Jewish riots" of 1190. It has a plaque describing what happened." Source: Freedman, Warren. World Guide for the Jewish Traveler . N.Y.: E.P. Dutton Inc, 1984.

Excavation for a new supermarket uncovered human remains in the city of York about twenty years ago. Historians were aware that the local Jewish community had purchased land in the York suburb of Barkergate in 1230 from John Romanus, sub-dean of the Church of Saint Peter of York. The bill of sale, held in York Minster Library, set a payment of two shillings per annum to the grantor for life and, after his death, to the vicars of the Church of York. This document, written in Hebrew and Latin, bears the signature of Aaron of York and other elders of that ancient and unfortunate Jewish community.

Local guidebooks mention a Jewish cemetery in the "suburbs" which fell into disuse after the community was destroyed in 1190. It was rediscovered in the 1970's, when the area was excavated for the construction of a parking garage. The garage was built (after archaeological excavation, I think) and a plaque was placed on the exterior wall. This suburban location is in walking distance from Clifford's Tower, just outside the ancient walls on the eastern side of the city. It is located on Jewbury Road. (It seems the name of the street really does date from the days when the cemetery was active, but its significance was forgotten for a time.) Source: Peter Zavon This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

See also Cemetery Scribes - Jewbury Jewik



In December 2017, Rabbi Charley Baginsky, Liberal Judaism's director of strategy and partnership, officiated at the "consecration of a plot of land being set aside for Jewish burial in the Fulford cemetery........the believed to be York's first Jewish cemetery since medieval times." The Jewish Chronicle 15 December 2017, p.20. [David Shulman, Webmaster JCR-UK]


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