International Jewish Cemetery Project
International Association of Jewish Genealogical Societies


Patronato Synagogue (Dr. Jose Miller, President), Patronato de la Casa de la Comunidad Hebrea de Cuba, Calle 1 #261, Esquina B; Adath Israel (Orthodox) at Picota 52 Esquina Acosta, Habana Vieja, Havanna 10100; and Centro Hebreo Sefaradide Cuba Templo (Conservative), Jose Lev Tur-President, Calle 17 #462, Esquina E, Vedado C, Habana. [January 2001]

"In Cuba, Finding a Tiny Corner of Jewish Life." NY Times. "Trinidad, a small centuries-old city on the south coast ... about 1,500 Jews who live in Cuba; 1,100 reside in Havana, and the remaining 400 are spread among the provinces. ... Only one kosher butcher. ... before Fidel Castro came to power in 1959. In those days, there were 15,000 Jews and five synagogues in Havana alone. Still, Jews in modern-day Cuba manage to keep their culture and traditions alive." Maritza Corrales, author of  The Chosen Island: Jews in Cuba. [ See article for more information. Mar 2016].

Two Havana Jewish cemeteries, located about 30 minutes outside of Havana, are in Guanabacoa (see also Guanabacoa). Both cemeteries have Holocaust Memorials and caretakers.

United Hebrew Congregation Cemetery (Centro Macabeo Cemetery): established 1906 by the United Hebrew Congregation of Cuba, probably has about 1,000 graves with some tombstones broken. The Jewish community in Havana was trying to raise money for restoration. Ashkenazim community address: Casa De La Communidad Hebrea de Cuba. Cemetery: Calle Independencia Este

UPDATE: Centro Macabeo was the Spanish part of the name for the United Hebrew Congregation. Centro Macabeo synagogue founded in 1906 by North American Jews residing in Cuba. A Reform congregation, the large cemetery east of Havana was started and owned by the UHC. Members were mostly in Havana for business reasons and were among the wealthiest Jews in Cuba. English was the language of choice and members helped immigrants arriving in Cuba along with several other locally-based organizations, the Joint and HIAS, who had resident workers in Havana. After Castro the UHC disappeared. Today Three other synagogues still remain. [March 2008]

JOWBR burial list. 1520 burials. Located on Calle Independencia Este with about 1600 graves. [July 2009]

"Sephardic cemetery" has about 150-200 graves. "Abraham Brezniak, who has a kosher butcher shop on Calle Cuba, between Acosta and Jesus Maria Streets in old Havana has the burial registers for both cemeteries." Sephardic community address: Centro Hebrea Sephardi de Cuba, 17th St. # 462, at E St., Vedado, Havana; phone: 326623 [Source?]

Additional information and burial list [August 2010]