International Jewish Cemetery Project
International Association of Jewish Genealogical Societies


A city in South Africa's North West Province, situated about 150 kilometers NE of Johannesburg. Congregation established 1905. Source 1976 yearbook [sic], now defunct. No Jewish Community exists.

  • Rustenburg Transvaal Cemetery: Two cemeteries, one old and one new, each with approximately thirty Jewish burials, appear well maintained by the local town council. There is a small tahara (pre-burial house) on one location. The older cemetery section is not separated from non-Jewish burials (Christian and Muslim) but is to the left of the main entrance, opposite the Hospital. Two of the tombstones have Freemason's insignias. The foundation of the Freemasons Meeting Hall (adjacent to the synagogue) has a Hebrew date on it. A.H. Wulfsohn laid the synagogue foundation stone in 1924. Source of information: ?
  • A.H.Wulfsohn laid the foundation stone in 1924. Abraham Herman Wulfsohn was my grandfather. I have a silver trough witch has an ivory handle with this information on. He was given this as he and his brothers helped build Rustenburg. He donated a large sum of money to start the 1st hospital in Rustenburg. Source: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.[December 2011]