International Jewish Cemetery Project
International Association of Jewish Genealogical Societies


IMZOUGHENE, in Ouarzazate Province, Sud, Morocco, 30° 58' 12" North, 7° 7' 48" West, 25km W of the city of Ouarzazate off of Rt. N9/N10.


"My grandmother was born and raised in this village, her father (Rabbi Meir Ohanona) is buried there, my grandmother married my grandfather who lives in a nearby village (Tadoula). The cemetery is relatively large, approximately one acre, (A nearby village called TADOULA NAIT TWAYA also used the site as did several surrounding villages.). The cemetery is located in the center of the village right next to the main oven (Frenna - the place where the bread is made) of the village.
The cemetery is surrounded by a cement wall, has an iron gate and a guard who lives nearby and opens the place to those who come to visit.  There is no evidence of vandalism.  There are complete tombstones and there are broken ones.  I estimate about 30 tombstones and the rest are mounds of stones."

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