This Agreement is between International Association of Jewish Genealogical Societies, a New Jersey non-profit corporation ("IAJGS"), and _______________________________________, the donor of the following materials to the IAJGS International Jewish Cemetery Project, to be shared with JewishGen's JOWBR and/or posted on an IAJGS Cemetery Project CD or similar technology that may be developed in the future.Section 1. Donated Burial Information Background
(If you have not already done so, please complete the INTERNATIONAL JEWISH CEMETERY PROJECT BURIAL SITE SURVEY found at
Name of Cemetery:________________________________________
City: ___________________________________________________
State or Province:_________________________________________
Country: ________________________________________________
B. COMPILATION INFORMATION (Check all that apply.)
___ The entire cemetery has been indexed.
___ Only this section of the cemetery has been indexed: ___________________________.
___ I certify that I am the author/compiler/photographer of the donated material.
___ I am not the author/ compiler/photographer of this donated information obtained as follows:
For previously published material, provide the following information:
Title: ______________________________________________
Publisher and Editor: __________________________________
Publication Date (if available): ___________________________
___ The original material is in English.
___ I certify that I am the translator and/or transliterator of the material.
___ I engaged someone else to make the translation and/or transliteration and supply
[attached] the copyright holder's permission to include copyright protected material.
___ I have not obtained copyright permission for the use of this material.
I understand that IAJGS may share materials submitted to the International Jewish Cemetery Project with the JewishGen JOWBR and that JewishGen, Inc.'s JOWBR only accepts that donation when the JOWBR Technical Coordinator confirms that all necessary procedures, which JewishGen may require, have been met.
Check all of the following that apply:
___ I agree to the display of my donation on International Jewish Cemetery Project to be shared with JewishGen's JOWBR web site.
___ I agree to the display of my donation on any future IAJGS CD or electronic format that may be created.
___ This project is a "work in progress" to which material may be added and donated to the International Jewish Cemetery Project under the same conditions as set forth below in Section 2 without the need for additional donor forms.
___ I certify that I have all rights necessary to donate the material to IAJGS as detailed in Section 2 below, including all permissions of translators, creators, authors, artists, or photographers. (If applicable, please attach copies of all necessary permissions as evidence of the Donor's right to donate the material to IAJGS and its designee.) Donor agrees to take full responsibility for damages to or costs incurred by IAJGS or JewishGen if anyone ever makes a claim of ownership of the material donated to IAJGS International Jewish Cemetery Project CD.
Section 2. General Requirements of the Non-Exclusive Donation
In conjunction with this agreement and for no additional consideration, the donor of Survey submissions hereby grants to IAJGS and its designee a non-exclusive perpetual right to use, publish or distribute the donated material. This grants IAJGS no exclusive rights to the underlying data or information, which remain the property of the donor. This non-exclusivity means that the Donor retains all rights to the donated data and may use, publish or distribute such data in any way the Donor chooses. This right may not be revoked after the date of this agreement. IAJGS shall in no way amend or modify donated data.
Section 3. IAJGS may engage in a data sharing agreement with JewishGen at its discretion. Donated data may be produced on another medium that will be for sale, such as an IAJGS International Jewish Cemetery Project CD. Please check below to show whether your material may be used for this purpose. If you check YES, your data will be incorporated. If you check NO, your data will not be released or used in another medium that will be sold.
_____ YES
_____ NO
DONOR Name (print or type): ________________________________________
DONOR Signature: __________________________________ Date:
DONOR Address: ___________________________________
(City, State, Province, Country, ZIP Code)
Telephone: ________________ E-mail: _________________
DONOR: After completing the above Donor Agreement, please sign and date two copies (original signature required on both copies.) Attach any additional forms as instructed by project manager or program coordinator and mail to:
IAJGS Intl. Jewish Cemetery Project Donor Form
JewishGen, Inc.
Museum of Jewish Heritage
36 Battery Place
New York, NY 10280
Phone: (646) 437-4326.
FAX #: (646) 437-4328.
IAJGS wishes to thank you for your generosity in donating this valuable material to the IAJGS Cemetery Project. Please consult your tax advisor to determination whether this donation constitutes a tax-deductible donation to IAJGS.
________________________________ Date: _______________________
President, IAJGS