Alternate names: Byten' [Rus], Byteń [Pol], Biten [Yid], Buten' Located at 52°53' N, 25°30' E, 110.3 miles SW of Minsk, 28 miles SW of Baranovichi, 17 miles SSE of Slonim. 1900 Jewish population: 1,614. Yehzona used the cemetery. YIZKOR: Pinkas Byten (Buenos Aires, 1954)
Supposedly, a person with proper tools and skills can still see many surviving stones with inscriptions. He visited May 5-9, 1977. Source: Larry S. Goldblatt, M.D.: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ';document.getElementById('cloaka101cb200ebcd8179117e3c825210c1d').innerHTML += ''+addy_texta101cb200ebcd8179117e3c825210c1d+'<\/a>'; . [2000]