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43° 10′ 37″ 05° 36′ 31″ E. The 1999 population was 31,923. In habitants are called les Ciotadens and les Ciotadenne. 31 km east of Marseilles, Ciotat and Ceyreste formed the same community until the 15th century. The name of Ciotat, which comes from the Provençal Ciutat/Ciéuta, meaning "the city", while the village of Ceyreste draws its name of the majestic Beak of the Eagle that dominates the city (the ancient Greeks called it Kitharistès, what means the rock. The Romans took back the name in its Latin version Citharista, that gave Ceyreste). The establishment on the maritime road of the ancient navigators goes back up to 5th century BCE. In this epoch, the city acquired great prosperity thanks to the peach trade and other trade. The activity of the harbor contributed to the economic development of the city. In the Middle Ages, the city appears as a modest hamlet dependent on Ceyreste. The monks had considerable power over the territory. In full economic development thanks to its maritime traffic, the market town of Ciotat gained self-government little by little. In 1429, serious quarrels concerning the "common lands" broke out between Ciotat and Ceyreste. The delegates of both communities found a resolution then: distribution of the territory of Ceyreste, split into two distinct and independent communities. Since then, Ciotat developed fast: it constructed bulwarks, its church and managed its own trade. The Plague, which devastated Provence in 1720, spares Ciotat thanks to courage and organization of Ciotadens. To protect itself from the blight, the city closed its doors to foreigners. When the troops of the garrison of Marseilles wanted to take refuge in the city, the Ciotadennes prevented them from it. The harbour of the city was then transformed into warehouse of trade: especially wheat for Marseilles and for Provence passed in transit then, preventing famine. The Revolution started in Ciotat in 1789 with the meeting of the General Council of the Heads of the Family. In 1800, the rebellion progressed more with the nomination of the new mayor of The Ciotat, Bernardine Ramel, by the first consul Bonaparte. The return of the priests in the parsonage, the abolition of the French Revolutionary calendar in January 1st, 1806, the re-establishment of the ancient street names in 1808, marked well the end of revolutionary epoch. This small seaside city (thalassotherapy center) enjoying a moderate climate is located midway between Toulon and Marseilles (20 minutes). The constitution of the Jewish community dates from 1968. The actual synagogue and its Community Centre were dedicated in 1980. The congregants are originally from North Africa and from Europe. Synagogue is at 1, Square de Verdun - 13600 LA CIOTAT, Tél 04-42-71-92-56. is the town's web site. [January 2008]

Carré au Cimetière Communal - La Ciotat: