
The Burgenland area was called ":Sheva Kehilloth" (seven communities) but in fact there were about ten. In addition to Eisenstadt and Schlaining , there definitely was a cemetery in Mattersdorf and most likely in Deutschkreuz (called Zelem), possibly also in Kittsee You may find more information in Hugo Gold's book about the area. You may also be able to get info from the Jewish Museum in Eisenstadt.



I was told that the entire cemetery may have been destroyed except for one stone. Source: Arthur Levi, 435 Porter Lake Drive, Longmeadow MA 01106, Phone: 413-781-2089, Fax: 413-781-2090 Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Current name is Mattersburg. I visited Mattersburg in June 2001. All that is left is the Judengasse (with new buildings) and the Jewish cemetery. In the cemetery, which was destroyed, only a few tombstones and parts of tombstones remained, plastered to a wall. The municipality promised to keep the cemetery and not to build on it for 60 years as an exchange for the common and unclaimed property of the Jewish community in Mattersburg. As a gesture, they put new, identical tombstones in the field of the cemetery. On each of these stones is a Star of David with no names inscribed. I have photos that took at the cemetery in June 2001. M. Deutsch email: deutsch1 at [September 2001]



In April 2010 the Österreichische Jüdische Museum in Eisenstadt started publishing the data for the tombstones
of the destroyed graves in the Mattersburg cemetery. Unfortunately they stopped the project. I hope they will
find funding for the project and continue it. You can see the project at the following address. They have also on it a link to
an alphabetical list.
Source: Meir Deutsch, email: deutsch1 at [January 2011]

UPDATE: Österreichisches Jüdisches Museum [Jan 2015]