Bnai Israel Cemetery: See: Cemeteries of the US by Deborah M. Burek, ed. Gale Research Int., Detroit MI (1994) ISBN 0-8103-9245-3, submitted by Al Rosenfield This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Lincoln Park: Source: "Directory of Jewish Local Organizations in the United States", pp. 330-583. American Jewish Year Book 5680 September 25, 1919 to Sept. 12, 1920; Volume 21. Edited by Harry Schneiderman for the American Jewish Committee. Source: Alan Hirschfeld. (see Warwick)
Reservoir Avenue Cemetery: Congregation Sons of Israel and David Burial records of the Reservoir Avenue Cemetery. 1859-1950. SC-9920 and Microfilm No. 3001 at AJA. American Jewish Archives, 3101 Clifton Ave. Cincinnati, Ohio 45220-2488. 513-221-1875 (tel); 513-221-7812 (fax). E-mail: AJA contact form.
Temple Beth El Cemetery: 401 Reservoir Ave: 461-1950