International Jewish Cemetery Project
International Association of Jewish Genealogical Societies


Safed - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia [September 2002]

  • Local Religious Council: Rav David Maman (Chairman), Rehov HaPalmach 78, P.O.B. 1189, Zefat 13221. Tel: 06-997-1767, 050-450-982.
  • Tzefat Chevra Kadisha, 78 Hapalmach Street, 13221
  • Book: Grayevski, Pinhas. Kever ahim; kedoshei Tsfat (Common grave-Safed martyrs victims). Jerusalem: __, 1938. 6p. (Leaflet no. 134) (Hebrew); Notes: Period; 1929-1938, 20 tbsts. Chronological, Many killed during 1929 events, Men, women & children. Source: National and University Library, Jerusalem
  • Tzefat Israel Cemetery: southern end of the city. (68 Halmach Street, 06-697-2429.) Three sections
  • Military Section:
  • New Cemetery Section: The local rabbinate is said to have records of the new cemetery. They are still responsible for the care of the whole area. (Haim has about 100 names from there) source: Haim Sidor, P.O.B. 5568, Midal Ha Emek 10500, Israel
  • Ancient Cemetery Section: This was in use since the 16th century or earlier. {10772} Names gathered by Haim Sidor, 1994, Galil Gen. Soc. Safed is in the hills of the upper Galil in northern Israel. The cemetery is located on the slope below the Old City also called Safad, Zefat, Cfat, Saffad, Saffed, Saphet, etc. (Tzadik-Pey-Tof) It is about 10 kilometers west of Rosh Pina and 40 kilometers east of Carmiel. The present total town population is approx. 20,000, all Jewish. The names of town officials with information about the cemetery are Safad Religious Council, 68 HaPalmach St., Safad. Contact: Chana Hooper, telephone in Israel, 06-697-2438, Fax. 06-692-1311. The local Chevra Kadisha may have information about the cemetery. There has been continuous Jewish settlement in Safed since 1294 CE. Before World War II, the Jewish population was about 3000. Most of the Kabbalists of the 16th century lived there, as did many Hasidim and students of the Vilna Gaon. Many olim went to Eretz Israel throughout the years from 1492 until today. Names include: The Ber Mayim Haim (R. Chaim Chernowitz) and The Ridbaz (R. David Zalman of Slobodka and Chicago etc.) The Jewish cemetery was established 200 CE and has been in continuous use since 1520 CE. Tzadakkim and other noteworthy Jews buried in the cemetery include ARI, RAMAK, ALSHEICH, R. Yosef Caro, R. Shlomo Alkabetz, R. Moshe DeTrani. It is still used actively.      The upper cemetery has been closed to burial since about 1982. Hasidim, Mitnagdim, and Sefardim used this cemetery. Jews from all over the world have been using the cemetery: 16th century through 1750, Kabbalists; 1777 until today, Hasidim; and 1805 until today, Mitnagdim. The urban, hillside cemetery location is separate, but near other cemeteries and marked by a sign in Hebrew. Access to the cemetery is open to all. A continuous masonry wall and a continuous fence and a gate that does not lock surround it. There are approximately 10,000 gravestones in cemetery, with 7,000 in their original location and 3,000 not in original locations. The vegetation overgrowth in the cemetery is a seasonal problem preventing access, but water drainage is good all year. The cemetery divided into special sections for Cohanim, the upper old section, and the new and active lower one. The oldest known gravestone dated from 1555. Tombstones and memorial markers made of marble, limestone and sandstone and are flat shaped stones and horizontally set stones with Sephardic-Hebrew inscriptions. There are special memorial monuments to Holocaust victims and Jewish soldiers. The present owner of the cemetery property is the local Jewish community and the national Jewish community. Properties adjacent to the cemetery are recreational, commercial or industrial, and residential. It is visited frequently. It was vandalized only before W.W.II. Care including re-erection of stones, patching of broken stones, cleaning of stones, clearing of vegetation, and fixing of wall used to be done by Jewish groups within country. Now, individuals or authorities do it. Within the limits of the cemetery is a pre-burial house with a tahara (table) and a mikveh. There is only a slight threat due to weather erosion and vegetation. Date this questionnaire was completed on December 31, 1997 and the site visited by Chaim Sidor. Source: Yehuda Witenoff Tivon, Israel.
    • UPDATE: Safed Old cemetery Survey List (in Hebrew and English) of over 3500 names from the 15th century through the 20th century, originally paid for by the Safed Rabbinical Council and translated by the Safed Foundation, is online in a database at Safed Foundation website. Included are all legible gravestone inscriptions from the Old (upper) Jewish Cemetery, one of the oldest continuously used Jewish Cemeteries in the world. Included are name, patronym, dates, and grave location. historical and genealogical material is available. SOURCE: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. [April 2004]