International Jewish Cemetery Project
International Association of Jewish Genealogical Societies

Tiszaszentmárton is located at 4823 2214, 157.9 miles ENE of Budapest.

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. reports: Last summer I visited Tiszaszentmarton, a small town on the border with Ukraine. The condition of that cemetery was very poor, like there was never anything there besides some trees and overgrown grass. Some houses are being built around the site. The entire cemetery seems to in danger of being built on if nothing is done to preserve this area. I saw a handful of tombstones laying around half buried beneath sand and dirt.I would like to erect the tombstones and build a gate around that area. About 45 tombstones are visible. [February 2005]

HFPJC Foundation renovated the cemetery. [February 2009].