Jews lived in Radzymin in the 17th century and for many years were over half the population of the city. Chasidism took root here because of tzaddik Jacob Arie Guterman. Shortly after the outbreak of WWII, these Jews fled into the East. The Nazis incarcerated those who remained in the ghetto between the streets Zduńska, Reymonta, Warsaw and the Old Market. Famine, executions, typhus and other diseases depopulated of the ghetto until its liquidation on October 3, 1942 as residents were deported to Treblinka. The prewar population was 3,500 Jews. 40 survived the Holocaust. Isaac Bashevis Singer, recipient of the 1978 Nobel Prize for Literature, was born into a family of Hasidic Jews in Radzymin [June 2009]
CEMETERY: Located on ul Mickiewicza, the exact date of establishment is unknown, but burials were made as early as the 18th century in the 1.8 ha site. 160 Jews were killed here during the Warsaw Insurrection of 1794. The Gmina Cooperative sold as scrap those gravestones that survived the war. The land is now a small park. At its edge is a concrete pedestal and plaque with inscriptions in Hebrew for Rabbi Szlomo Jehoszua. In spring 2006, the inscription has been destroyed, broken in two parts in winter 2006. Vandals also a smashed marble gravestone, leaving fragments on the ground. photos and photos. [June 2009]
MASS GRAVE: An obelisk marks a mass grave of approximately 100 Jews from the concentration camp in Radzymin, who were murdered by the Nazis in October 1942. [February 2010]