International Jewish Cemetery Project
International Association of Jewish Genealogical Societies


also see RADAUTI.

Alternate names: Arbore [Rom], Arbora [Ger]. 47°44' N, 25°56' E, 8 miles S of Rădăuţi (Radautz), 13 miles N of Gura Humorului (Gurahumora).. Arbore is a commune located in Suceava CountyRomania. It is composed of three villages: Arbore, Bodnăreni and Clit.  1900 Jewish population: 107.

JewishGen Romania SIG

[UPDATE] Photos by Charles Burns [January 2016]

JOWBRJewish Cemetery.

web site of the writer, Ruth Ellen Gruber. Jewish Cemeteries of the Bucovina by Simon Geissbühler. ISBN 978-973-1805-50-4. Romanian, Ukrainian, English, French, and German. This book may soon be available via commercial booksellers, but can also be obtained directly from the author <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>. Though very fews Jews remain in the Bucovina, the cemeteries represent the culture and prominence of the Jewish populations of pre-WWII Romania. This volume provides information on and pictures of the Jewish cemeteries of Campulung Moldovenesc, Vama, Gura Humorului, Solca, Arbore, Radauti, Moldovita, Siret, Mihaileni, Storozhynets, Vyzhnytsia, Banilov, Vashkivtsi, Novoselitsa, and Hertsa. [Mar 2014\

US Commission No._

The cemetery is located in Suceava judet, Moldavia region at 47°37' 25°55', 25 km from Radauti, Suceava judet. Present town population is 5,000-25,000 with no Jews.

    • Local Authority: Mayor Tiron Gheorghe, com. Arbore, Suceava judet.
    • Religious Authority: The Jewish Community of Suceava.
    • Regional Authority: The Federation of the Jewish Communities of Romania, Sf. Vineri str., no. 9-11, sector 3, Bucharest, Romania.
    • Interested: "A.D. Xenopol" Institute of History, Lascar Catargi str., no. 15, 6400- Iasi (Iasi judet), Romania. Tel. 032/212614; e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Director: Alexandru Zub.
    • Caretaker: Nicolae Cotlet, com. Arbore, Suceava judet.
    • May have information: Tiron Floarea, str. Asolcii no. 1598, Arbore, Suceava judet.
    • The 1880 Census registered 54 Jewish inhabitants. The 1930 Census registered 107 Jewish inhabitants. This unlandmarked Orthodox Jewish cemetery established in the 19th century that had its last known Jewish burial in the 20th century. The site is 2 km. from the congregation that used it. The isolated, flat, rural (agricultural) cemetery location has no sign or marker. Reached by crossing public property, access is open to all. No wall fence, or gate surround the site.
    • The pre- and post-WWII size is 60 m X 40 m. 20 to 100 stones are visible in the cemetery with some not in original location. More than 75% are toppled or broken. Vegetation overgrowth and water drainage are not problems. Stones date from the 19th century. The limestone and sandstone are rough stones or boulders, flat shaped stones, finely smoothed and inscribed stones, flat stones with carved relief decoration, and sculpted tombstones. Some have portraits on the stones. Inscriptions are in Hebrew.
    • The national Jewish community owns the property now used for agricultural purposes. Adjacent properties are agricultural. The post and pre-WWII site sizes are the same. Rarely, private Jewish or non-Jewish visitors stop. The never vandalized cemetery has no maintenance. Care is occasionally clearing or cleaning by individuals. The unpaid caretaker has the use of the land. No structures. Uncontrolled access is a very serious threat.
    • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., Clinicilor str., no. 19, Cluj, Romania, tel. 064/190107 completed the survey on July 25, 2000 using the following documentation:
  • E.Schwarzfeld, Din istoria evreilor: împopularea, reîmpopularea si întemeierea tîrgurilor si tîrgusoarelor în Moldova, Bucuresti, 1894.
  • N.Sutu, Notiti statistice asupra Moldaviei, Iasi, 1852.
  • George I.Lahovari, Marele dictionar geografic al Romaniei, 5 vol., Bucuresti, Edit.Socec, 1899.
  • I.M.Dinescu, Fiii neamului de la 1859 la 1915. Statistica sociala pe întelesul tuturora, Iasi, Institutul de Arte Grafice N.V.Stefaniu, 1920.
  • Leonida Colescu, Analiza rezultatelor recensamîntului general al populatiei Romaniei de la 1899, cu o prefata de Sabin Manuila , Bucuresti, Institutul de statistica, 1944.
  • Pinkas Hakehillot, Encyclopedia of Jewish Communities Romania, I-II, Jerusalem, 1980.
  • Marius Mircu, Pogromurile din Bucovina si Dorohoi, Bucuresti, Edit.Glob, 1945.
  • D.Ivanescu, Populatia evreiasca din orasele si tîrgurile Moldovei între 1774-1832, în "Studia et acta historiae iudaeorum Romaniae", II, Bucuresti, Edit.Hasefer, 1997, p. 59-65.
  • He visited on July 24, 2000 and interviewed Cotlet Nicolae, com. Arbore, Suceava judet. Tiron Floarea, com. Arbore, Suceava judet. [June 2002]