

32361 North Rhine-Westphalia / Bergstr. (Gerz)

City Preußisch Oldendorf, Minden

CEMETERY: Located south along the mountain road to Börninghausen in a wooded area. Used at least by 1740, 1889 expanded and used to about 1910/20. Visible gravestones: 57. In May 1987, the cemetery was vandalized by neo-Nazis, 23 gravestones were damaged, in some cases significantly. [Sep 2012]
- Approximately 1975-2000 by Heritage Office (Photos)
- History in Westphalia-Lippe 1987, pp. 106
- History in splendor 1998, pp. 417-418, 448-449
- Historians in Hillebrand 1996, pp. 64-65

Parent Category: GERMANY