Bad Rappenau is a town in the district of Heilbronn in Baden-Württemberg about 15 km NW of Heilbronn. Bad Rappenau consists of the town itself and the villages Babstadt, Bonfeld, Fürfeld, Grombach, Heinsheim, Obergimpern, Treschklingen and Wollenberg. Besides there are the hamlets Zimmerhof, Kohlhof, Maierhof, Bartsmühle, Kugelmühle and Sommersmühle. The hamlets Oberbiegelhof and Unterbiegelhof belong to Babstadt, Eichhäuser Hof, Obere Mühle and Untere Mühle belong to Bonfeld, Burg Ehrenberg belongs to Heinsheim, Eulenberg(er)hof, Wagenbach, Obere Mühle and Portland-Zementwerk belong to Obergimpern, Neumühle belongs to Wollenberg. Gone resp. non-existent villages are Niuern and Speceshart on the communal land of Rappenau, Eichhausen on the communal land of Bonfeld und Battenhausen on the communal land of Grombach. Jews in Bad Rappenau are documented since the 16th century. In 1802 five families lived there, in 1825 six . In 1881 a Jewish cemketery was created along the road to Siegelsbach. 1900 Jewish population: 46 and in 1933 only ten. The community dissolved in 1937. During the 1938 pogrom a Jewish shop window was destroyed. Four of the last five Jews living in Bad Rappenau were killed. Source [Feb 2013]
cemetery photos. cemeterty photos. Jewish history. About 1100 gravestones are standing. Most are Baroque and elaborately carved. [Feb 0213]
[UPDATE] Many, if not all, burials of people from Wollenberg are in the cemetery in Waibstadt. Source: Harriet Mayer. [Mar 2013]
74906 Baden-Wuerttemberg (Gerz, Peters). DISTRICT: Heilbronn. LOCATION OF CEMETERIES: I. Bad Rappenau, II. Heinsheim.
- I. Bad RappenauLopposite junction of Siegelsbacher Strasse (L530) and Johann-Strauss-Strasse (Detail)..IN USE: from 1881 until 1944.NUMBER OF GRAVESTONES: 49.
photographs of all gravestones as well as cemetery register approx. 1986 by Zentralarchiv.
Complete documentation including the use of photographs by the Landesdenkmalamt (State Office for Historic Monuments ed: Barbara Döpp).
Photographs of 20 gravestones 1999.
survey photograph of cemetery by Hundsnurscher/Taddey 1968, page 15.
survey photograph of cemetery by Theobald 1984 page 91.
history by Angerbauer 1986, page 30.
the cemetery also contains the children's graves of a few forced labour Russian Christian women.
prior to 1881 the Deceased of Bad Rappenau were buried in the Heinsheim cemetery.
SOURCES: University of Heidelberg and Alemannia Judaica.
- II. Heinsheim:located near the Staugasse, Bartsmühle. between Bad Rappenau and Heinsheim, beyond Zimmerhof).IN USE: from 16th or 17th century to 1937. So far oldest gravestone dated 1598.NUMBER OF GRAVESTONES: 1152 (gravestones and fragments).
1989 photographs of 1113 gravestones as well as cemetery register by Zentralarchiv.
1997 complete documentation including the use of photographs by the Landesdenkmalamt (State Office for Historic Monuments ed: Monika Preuß).
survey photograph of cemetery by Hundsnurscher/Taddey 1968, page 90,
History page 78 and survey photograph of cemetery in Theobald 1984 page 94,
History by Angerbauer 1986, pages 104-105, 120 and 207.
SOURCE: Alemannia Judaica, University Heidelberg and ‘Haus des Lebens - Jüdische Friedhöfe in Deutschland‘ by Brocke & Müller
(Researched and translated from German December 2007)
To see information and photographs of individual gravestones in cemeteries in Baden-Wuerttemberg, click on this link and follow the directions on that page.