v. ZELENAYA DUBRAVA:     US Commission No. UA23060501
Alternate name: Zelena Dibrova (Ukraine). v. Zelenaya Dubrava is located in Cherkasskaya at 49º50 32º3, 28 km from Zvenigorodka and 99 km from Chercass. The mass grave is located 7 km E from Zvenigorodka-Gorodische highway. Present town population is 25,001-100,000 with 11-100 Jews. The earliest known Jewish community was 1856. 1939 Jewish population (census) was 6584. Effecting the Jewish Community were 1768 Koliibschina and 1919 Civil War Pogroms. The Jewish mass grave was dug in 1941. Jews from no other towns or villages were murdered at this unlandmarked mass grave. The isolated rural (agricultural) flat land has signs or plaques in local language mentioning the Holocaust. Reached by turning directly off a public road, access is open to all. A continuous fence with no gate surrounds the mass grave. The approximate size of mass grave is now 0.01 hectares. No stones were removed. The common tombstones date from 1979. The site contains marked mass graves. The municipality and a regional or national governmental agency own site used for mass burial site. Properties adjacent are agricultural. Frequently, organized individual tours, Jewish or non-Jewish private visitors and local residents visit. This mass grave was not vandalized. Now, occasionally authorities clear or clean. No threats.
Turman Bella Samuilovna of Chercass, Homenko St. 16, Apt. 66 [Phone: (0472) 631272] visited and completed survey on 2/16/95. No interviews were conducted.
Parent Category: EASTERN EUROPE