
ALTERNATE NAMES: ZASTAVNA [UKR, RUS, ROM, YID], ZASTAWNA [GER, POL], ZASTAVKA 48°31' N, 25°51' E, In N Bukovina, 16 miles NNW of Chernivtsi (Tschernowitz).. Jewish population: 629 (in 1930).

This town is listed in Carved Memories: Heritage in Stone from the Russian Jewish Pale by David Goberman, NY: also see introduction to Ukraine.

2005 US Commission Report: 1-20 gravestones, a continuous fence, no gate, no signs, and no markers. [December 2009]

US Commission No. UA25140101
Alternate name: Zastavna (Yiddish). Zastavna is located in Chernovitskaya at 48º31 25º51, 38 km from Chernovtsy. The cemetery is located at NW, Nezavisimosti St. 147-149. Present town population is 5,001-25,000 with fewer than 10 Jews.

The earliest known Jewish community was 1774. 1939 Jewish population (census) was 635. Effecting the Jewish Community were 1848 and 1905 Zionist organization establishment. The last known Hasidic burial was 1940s. No other towns or villages used this unlandmarked cemetery. The isolated urban flat land has no sign or marker. Reached at Nezavisimosty St. 147, access is open to all. A continuous fence with no gate surrounds the cemetery. 1 to 20 common tombstones, none in original location with more than 75% toppled or broken, date from 19th to 20th century. Locations of any removed stones are unknown. The cemetery contains no known mass graves. Municipality owns property used for residential. Properties adjacent are residential. The cemetery boundaries are smaller now than 1939 because of commercial or industrial development. Rarely, Jewish or non-Jewish private visitors stop. The cemetery was not vandalized in the last ten years. There is no maintenance. Very serious threat: vandalism, existing and proposed nearby development. Serious threat: uncontrolled access. Moderate threat: pollution and vegetation. Slight threat: weather erosion.

Hodorkovsky Yuriy Isaakovich of 252037, Ukraine, Kiev, Vozduhoflotsky 37A, #23 [Phone: (044)2769505] visited site on 3/15/95. Interviewed was Usatiy valentin Vasilyevich [Phone: (03737) 22486] on 3/15/95. Hodorkovsky completed survey on 03/19/1995. Documentation: Encyclopaedia Judaica, vol.16; H.G old. Geschichte der Juden in der Bukowina, 1962.


[UPDATE] Photos by Charles Burns [April 2016]


Parent Category: EASTERN EUROPE