USTINOVKA: also see Berezovatka

USTINOVKA:     US Commission No. UA10210501
Ustinovka is 85km from Kirovograd. The mass grave is located at NE outskirts, near the entrance. Present town population is 5,001-25,000 with no Jews.
-- Town officials: Executive Committee of Settlement Soviet Chairman Donets Nikolay Mikhailovich [Phone: (05239) 41442].
-- Regional: Regional State Department of Chairman Grigorchuk Sil'vestr Nikolaevich [Phone: (05239) 41030]. State Department of Kirovogradskaya Oblast. Regional State Department of Department of culture [Phone: (05239) 41064].
Jewish Community Kirovograd.
The earliest known Jewish community was 19th century. Effecting the Jewish community were 1905 pogroms and Civil War. The Hasidic mass grave was dug in 1942. No other towns or villages used this unlandmarked mass grave. The isolated rural (agricultural) hillside has no sign or marker. Reached by turning directly off a public road, access is open to all. No wall, fence or gate surrounds the mass grave. No stones are visible OR The mass grave has only common tombstones. The site contains unmarked mass graves. Municipality owns property used for agricultural use (crops or animal grazing). Property adjacent is agricultural. The mass grave boundaries are larger now than 1939. Rarely, organized individual tours and local residents visit. This mass grave has not been vandalized. There is no maintenance. Serious threat: uncontrolled access, weather erosion (overgrown and eroded) and vegetation. Moderate threat: pollution, vandalism and proposed nearby development.
Khodorkovsky Yury Isaakovich of Apt. 23, 37A Vozduhoflotsky Pr., Kiev [Phone: (044)2769505] visited site and completed survey on 27/11/96. Musenko Grigory Ivanovich [Phone: (05239)41064] was interviewed on 27/11/96.
Parent Category: EASTERN EUROPE