TYACHEV:     US Commission No. UA06050101
Alternate names: Tiacheva, Tesco (Yiddish), Tachovo, Tetsh (German), Tech (Hungarian), Tacovo (Czech), Tachovo, Tiaczovo (Polish), Tiachevo (Russian) and Tiachev (Ukraine.) Tyachev is located in Zakarpatskaya at 48º1 23º31, 136 km from Uzhgorod and 176 km from Chernovtsi. The cemetery is located at Leontovicha St. 68-70. Present town population is 5,001-25,000 with fewer than 10 Jews.
The earliest known Jewish community was first half of 17th century. 1926 Jewish population (census) was 12661.[sic] Effecting the Jewish Community was April 1944 Ghetto. Living here was R. Grinvald. The Jewish cemetery was established in the 18th century with last known Hasidic or Orthodox burial 1994. No other towns or villages used this unlandmarked cemetery. The isolated urban flat land has no sign or marker. Reached by turning directly off a public road. The access is open with permission. A continuous fence with locking gate surrounds the cemetery. 101 to 500 stones, all in original location with none toppled or broken, date from 18th to 20th century. No stones were removed. The cemetery has special sections for men, women, children and "other." Some tombstones have portraits on stones. The cemetery contains no known mass graves. Municipality owns site now used for Jewish cemetery use only. Adjacent properties are commercial or industrial and residential. The cemetery boundaries have not changed since 1939. Occasionally, Jewish or non-Jewish private visitors and local residents visit. This cemetery was not vandalized. Local/municipal authorities and Jewish individuals within country did re-erection of stones, cleaned stones and cleared vegetation 1944-1994. The government pays the regular caretaker. Vegetation overgrowth is a seasonal problem, preventing access. Water drainage at the cemetery is a seasonal problem. Moderate threat: vegetation. Slight threat: uncontrolled access, weather erosion and pollution.
Sokolova Eleonora Evgenievna of 252153, Kiev, Pr. Tychiny 5, Apt 68 [Phone: (044) 5505681] visited site and completed survey on 10/1/94. Interviewed was Sholomon Berkovich Zelikovich of Koshuta St. 10 on 10/1/94.
Parent Category: EASTERN EUROPE