SUKHOVOLYA:     US Commission No. UA.05690501.
Alternate names: German: Sukhovolya. Sukhovolya is in Zhitomirskaya Oblast at 5042' and 2717', 42 km from Novograd-Volynskiy, 129 km from Zhitomir. The mass gravesite is located Pikel; 3 km to E of Sukhovolya . Present town population is less than 1000 with no Jewish population. Another source about the site is Moskalets Vasilii Tarasovich, Zherebilovka, Novograd-Volynskiy region. The unlandmarked and unlocked 1941 mass gravesite has no caretaker.
The earliest mention about Jewish Community is 1907. 1921Jewish population (census) was 215. The Jewish Community was Orthodox. Jews were murdered at Yarun village, about 33 km away. The isolated wooded plain has no sign or marker. Reached by walking on road to the forest, access is open to all. There is no wall, gate, or fence. Current size is 8000 square meters. One 1992 finely smoothed and inscribed labradorit, inscribed in Russian memorial marks the mass grave. There are some separate graves dedicated to Holocaust victims. Vegetation overgrowth is a seasonal problem that prevents access. Municipality owns site now a non-sectarian cemetery with mainly non-Jewish graves. The site borders the forest and is visited rarely by private visitors and local citizens. The site never was vandalized. Local /municipal authorities are responsible for construction carried out in 1992. No structures. Moderate threat: safety, vegetation overgrowth and vandalism. Slight threat: erosion, pollution and incompatible prospective construction.
Leonid Kogan, Novograd-Volynskiy, Lenin St 107, fl. 42, tel.: (04141) 5-42-59 completed the survey 12 February 1997. Documentation newspaper "Zhitomirskiy Visnik" of 19th July 1996 (p.9), ("Historical-geographical reference of Zhitomirschina", M.Kostritsa, R.Kondratuk.) He visited the site on 12 February 1997 and interviewed Moskalets Vasilii Tarasovich (born in 1914), v. Zherebilevka, Skolnaya St.
Parent Category: EASTERN EUROPE