SUDOVAYA VISHNYA:     US Commission No. UA13430101.
Alternative names: German: Sadowa Visnia Polish: Sadowa Wisznia. Located in Lvovskaya Oblast at 49º47' and 41º03', 51 km from Lvov. The cemetery is located at the NE part of the village, Stus St. 1. Present town population is 5000-25000, but no Jews. The earliest mention about Jewish Community is 1547. 1889Jewish population was 1100. Effecting Jewish community was Ukrainian-Polish war (1648-1655.) The unlandmarked Orthodox cemetery was created in the 18th century with last known Jewish burial before June 1941. The isolated suburban plain has no sign or marker. Reached by turning directly off the road and crossing other public properties (Selkhoztekhnika of Sudovaya Vishnya), access is open with permission. A continuous fence with a non-locking gate surrounds the cemetery. The approximate size of the cemetery before the World War II was 0,17 hectares. Now size is hard to determine. There are no whole visible gravestones with more than 75% of stones broken. Some of the removed stones are part of roads or structures in Sudovaya Vishnya. The cemetery does not contain mass graves or structures. Regional or national administrative office (Selkhoztekhnika) owns property used as Jewish cemetery and for industrial or commercial usage. A residential area borders the cemetery. The cemetery boundaries are smaller than in 1939 because of the commercial development. Rarely, local citizens visit. The cemetery was vandalized during the World War II and between 1945 and 1981. Serious threat: vandalism, incompatible development. The cemetery was demolished during recent years with the land built up with industrial and administrative buildings. Moderate threat: pollution. Slight threat: safety, erosion, vegetation overgrowth, and incompatible planned development.
Iosif Gelston, Lvov, 290049, PO Box 10569, tel./fax: (0322) 227490 Lvov, 290049, PO Box 10569, tel./fax: (0322) 227490 completed survey on 7.11.1998. Iosif Gelston visited site on 3.11.1998. Interviewed was Denisyak Irina Iosifovna, Sudovaya Vishnya, Sagaidachnyi St., 67. Documentation: CSHA, Fond 186, inventory 9, page 9; Slownik Geogr. Krol. Pols , vol.10. 361, Warsz., 1889 (in Polish.)
Parent Category: EASTERN EUROPE