STARO-ZAKREVSKIY MAYDAN:     US Commission No. UA22330101
Alternate name: Jewish Maydan (Yiddish.) Staro-Zakrevskiy Maydan is located in Khmelnitskaya, 80 km from Khmelnitsjiy and 20 km from Kamenets-Podolskiy. The cemetery is located at on the farm. Present town population is under 1,000 with no Jews. The earliest known Jewish Community was 1800. The Jewish population (census) 1922 was 200. Effecting Jewish Community were 1804, 1894epidemic, 1928 collectivization, and 1942 Holocaust. Living here were Rabbi Yankel Moshkov Etelboym 1847; Gabbai Leybish Duvidov Ivankovetskiy; and Treasurer Leyba Ayrikov Royzendurt. The unlandmarked Jewish cemetery was established in 1800 with last known Hasidic burial 1940. The isolated rural (agricultural) flat land has no sign or marker. Reached by turning directly off a private road (collective farm), access is open to all. No wall, fence, or gate surrounds the cemetery. 21 to 100 common tombstones, most in original location with more than 75% toppled or broken, date from 19th to 20th century. Location of any removed stones is unknown. The cemetery contains no known mass graves. Municipality owns site used for Jewish cemetery only. Properties adjacent are agricultural. The cemetery boundaries are unchanged since 1939. Rarely, private visitors and local residents stop. The cemetery was vandalized frequently in the last ten years. There is no maintenance. Within the limits of the cemetery are no structures. Vegetation overgrowth is a constant problem, disturbing both graves and stones. Water drainage at the cemetery is a seasonal problem. Very serious threat: uncontrolled access and vandalism. Serious threat: pollution and vegetation. Moderate threat: proposed nearby development. Slight threat: weather erosion and existing nearby development.
Shwartz Yuliya Nikolaevna of Kiev, Buchmy st., Apt.8 [Phone: (044) 5503228] visited site on 7/22/95. Interviewed on 7/22/95 were Hayat Efim Abramovich of Kamenets-Podolskiy, Timiryazeva str, 93, Apt.21 [Phone: (03849) 24813] and David A. Chapin of 3312 Gary Dr., Plano TS, 75023-1120 USA [Phone: (214) 6183050]. Shwartz completed survey on 07/24/1995. Documentation: Central & Eastern Europe ; The Road from Letichev , David A. Chapin, Bewn Weinstock.
Parent Category: EASTERN EUROPE