SHPIKOV:     US Commission No. UA01160101
Shpikov is located in Vinnitskaya O. Tulchinski at 48º4728º34, 56 km from Vinnitsa. Present town population is 1,000-5,000 with 11-100 Jews. The earliest known Jewish Community was 17th century. 1926 Jewish population (census) was 1361. Effecting Jewish Community were 1648 Pogrom time of Khmelnitski, 1734, 1748, 1750 Haydamatski killings of Jews, 1905, 1918, 1919 Pogroms, 1920-1921 attacks by bandits, and 1941 Mass shooting and Ghetto. The unlandmarked Jewish cemetery was established in 18th century. Buried in cemetery is Shulumuni. The last known Hasidic burial was 1994. The isolated urban hillside has no sign or marker. Reached by turning directly off a public road, access is open to all. A broken fence with no gate surrounds the cemetery. 501 to 5000 stones, about half in original location with 25%-50% toppled or broken, date from 18th century. Location of any removed stones is unknown. The cemetery has no special sections. Some tombstones have portraits on stones and/or metal fences around graves. Local Jewish community owns site used for Jewish cemetery only. Properties adjacent are commercial or industrial. The cemetery boundaries are unchanged since 1939. Occasionally, Jewish or non-Jewish private visitors stop. Within the limits of the cemetery are no structures. Vegetation overgrowth and water drainage are seasonal problems. Moderate threat: vegetation and vandalism.
Fuks M.L. [Phone: 35-82-96] visited site and completed survey on 8 Oct 1994 with Fabrikant E.I. Interviewed were Urnovitser L.M. and Safrus F.M. and Fabrikant, E.I. Documentation: Town Populations of the Podol Region . Kamanets-Podol. A.Krylov 1905; History of Towns and Villages in Ukraine . Vinnitska Oblast. Kiev 1969; Short Jewish Encyclopaedia . Jerusalem 1976; Jewish Encyclopaedia in 16 vols. Brokgayz-Efron; Encyclopaedia Judaica in 17 vols. Jerusalem.
Parent Category: EASTERN EUROPE