v. RAYDANSKOYE:     US Commission No. UA.05680501.
Alternative names: German: Raydanskoye, Polish: Zhydovtsy, Russian: ___. Located in Zhitomirskaya Oblast at 49°51' and 27°30', 7 km from Berdichev. The 1941 mass gravesite is located in E village. Present town population is less than 1000 with no present Jewish population.
Nataliya Borisovna Morokova, secretary of "Books of the Memory", tel.: 2-47-42 (work).
The earliest mention about Jewish community is 1593. 1926 Jewish population (census) was 30,812. Effecting Jewish Community were struggles of 1919; 1930 closing of the choral synagogue; and the mass murder of more than 20,000 [sic] Jews on 15th September 1941. Living here were writer Vasilii Grossman; Abram Kagan; Mendele-Meikher-Sforim; and composer Andrei Belyi. The unlandmarked isolated rural (agricultural) plain has no sign or marker. Reached through the yard of house at 17 Luganskaya St., acess is open. There is continuous fence but no gate. Current size is 154 square meters. The site has one 1995 labradorit finely-smoothed and inscribed, flat monument with engraved decoration with a metal fence. The inscription is in Yiddish and Ukrainian. Some separate graves are dedicated to Holocaust victims. Municipality owns site used only as a Jewish cemetery, bordering agricultural area, and visited rarely by organized groups and private visitors. The site has never been vandalized. Local municipal authorities placed a memorial stone in 1995. At present, authorities sometimes clean the site. No structures. Moderate threat: safety and vandalism Slight threat: erosion, pollution, vegetation overgrowth and incompatibility with planned development.
Leonid Kogan, Novograd-Volynskiy, Lenin St 107, fl. 42, tel.: (04141) 5-42-59 completed the survey 24 May 1996. He visited the site on 23 February 1997 and interviewed Kozarchuk Nikolai Mefodievich (born in 1929), Uliyanovoi St, 59. Documentation: newspaper "Golos Ukrainy" of 12th August 1995 (S. Elisavetskiy: "Vpaly bid kuli fashistskogo kata") 7.
Parent Category: EASTERN EUROPE