RADEKHOV:     US Commission No. UA13630101
Alternative names: German: Radzehov and Polish: Radziechow. It is located in Lvovskaya Oblast at 50° 16' 42° 16', 75 km from Lvov. The cemetery is located E of village, Lopatinskaya St. 4, in front of house. Present town population is 5000-25000 with less than 10 Jews.

The unlocked, unlandmarked cemetery has no caretaker. The Jewish population was 818 Jews in 1880, 1977 Jews in 1921. The synagogue was built at the end of the 18th century and in 1910, the railway station. The last known Belskie Hasidic/ Orthodox burial was in 1930s. The isolated urban hillside near water has no sign or marker. Reached by turning directly off the road, access is open to all. No wall, fence, or gate surround. The approximate size of the cemetery before World War II was 0.35 hectares. Now, its size is hard to determine. There are no visible tombstones and no mass graves. More than 75% of stones are broken. The gravestones date from 18th century through 20th centuries. The Municipality owns site used as dump and kitchen gardens. The cemetery borders a residential area. Rarely, local citizens visit. The cemetery was vandalized during the World War II and between 1945 and 1981. There has been no care or restoration. Within the cemetery are household structures. Very serious threat: vandalism, incompatibility with present and planned development. Gravestones were broken during German occupation and during after-war period. Now a part of the cemetery area is to be future stadium, dehas a fence. Moderate threat: safety. Slight threat: erosion.
Iosif Gelston, Lvov, 290049, PO Box 10569, tel./fax: (0322) 227490 completed survey in 4.10.1998. Documentation: CSHA, Fond 186, Inventory 6, 1006 Points of Safe, page 13; Jewish Encyclopedia, B. 13, p. 267, St Petersburg, 1912; Slownik Geog. Krolewstwa Polskiego, T. 9, St. 462, Warszawa, 1883 (in Polish); Olipra i Ross "Przewodnik po powiecie Radziechowskim", St. 25, Radziechow, 1937 (in Polish). Gelston visited site in 2.10.1998. Zaginey Nina Nikolaevna, Town Soviet chief, tel.: 21746, was interviewed.


[UPDATE] Photos by Charles Burns [April 2016]


Parent Category: EASTERN EUROPE