PROHOROVNYA:     US Commission No. UA17050101
Prohorovnya is located in Rovenskaya. The town is location at 53°8 26°64, 101 km from Rovno and 101 km from Lvov. The cemetery is located at 1.5 km from Radivilov. Present town population is 5,001-25,000 with no Jews.
     The earliest known Jewish community was 16th century. 1939 Jewish population (census) was 4000. The Jewish cemetery was established in 05.1942. No other towns or villages' used this landmarked cemetery. The isolated wooded flat land has no sign or marker. Reached by turning directly off a private road and crossing other public forest, access is open to all with no wall, gate, or fence. 1-20 stones, all in original location with none toppled or broken, date from 1993. The cemetery has no special sections. The cemetery contains marked mass graves. The municipality owns site used for other. Properties adjacent are forest. The cemetery boundaries are larger now than 1939. Rarely, organized Jewish group tours or pilgrimage groups stop. The cemetery was not vandalized in the last ten years. Authorities occasionally clean or clear. Within the limits of the cemetery are no structures. Moderate threat: uncontrolled access and vandalism. Slight threat: vegetation.
     Kirzhner Moisey Davidovich of Lutsk, Grushevskogo Prospect 18, apt. 38 [tel. (03322) 34775] visited site and completed survey on 10/24/1994. Interviewed were Kostyuk V.G. on 10/22/94 and Pastuh A.S. on 10/24/94.
Parent Category: EASTERN EUROPE