POLONNOYE: also see Nova Pollonnoye
     The land-marked cemetery is centrally located in town and visible from the road. A fence with a locked gate with Yiddish and Russian signs surrounds. The non-Jewish caretaker has a key but the wall is low enough to be jumped. The cemetery is active with about about 150 Jews still remaining in the community. The hillside water has a sign in Yiddish & Russian. The cemetery is on a main town street. Access is open with permission with a continuous masonry wall and a gate that locks. 100-500 gravestones are in the cemetery with 100-500 in original location and 20-100 not. Less than 25% of surviving stones toppled or broken. The granite, limestone, and sandstone rough stones or boulders, flat shaped stones, finely smoothed and inscribed stones, flat stones with carved relief decoration, horizontally set stones, mauseleoms, or other types have Hebrew, Yiddish, and Russian inscriptions. Some of the tombstones have traces of painting on their surfaces, portraits on stones, and/or metal fences around graves. The local Jewish community owns property used for Jewish cemetery only. The cemetery is visited occasionally. Jewish individuals within the city cleared vegetation. Current care is paid contributions from visitors to regular caretaker. Within the limits of the cemetery is a small building at gate entrance probably for maintenance supplies. Threats: Security (uncontrolled access) is a slight threat. Weather erosion is a moderate threat. Interested in site: Toni Abel This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Ellen Shindelman visited Polonnoye in July 1997 and updated the survey on 25 Sept 1997. 5400 N. 27th Road, Arlington, VA 22207 USA; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Parent Category: EASTERN EUROPE