
JANUARY 2009: Information in this table derived from Jewish Preservation Committee of Ukraine survey forms (1995 to 2000). Other cemeteries may exist in the country. U.S. Commission for the Preservation of America's Heritage Abroad

Survey Number Town Oldest Stone Walls/Gates Markers/Signs                                     
Number of Gravestones Current Use     
UA06470101 Agris n/a none 0 Jewish Cemetery
UA06630101 Berehovo Unknown Some surrounded by metal fences. Sign mentions Holocaust, memorial markers 500-5000 Jewish cemetery
UA06620101 Berehy 1854 Fence seems to be part of adjacent properties 21 to 100 Agriculture
UA06650101 Bishtanie 19th c. none 250-350 Jewish cemetery
UA06330101 Chepa 19th c. none 101 to 500 Jewish cemetery
UA06250101 Chierna 19th c. Continuous fence, gate that locks, Jewish symbols on gate or wall. 101 to 500 Jewish cemetery
UA06300101 Chornotysiv 19th c. broken fence, gate without lock 101 to 500 Jewish cemetery
UA06580101 Danylovo 19th c. hedges or trees 21 to 100 Jewish cemetery
UA06420101 Drotintsi 19th c. Broken fence 21 to 100 Jewish cemetery
Holiatyn 19th c. none 21 to 100 Jewish cemetery
Horinchevo 19th c. none 21 to 100 Jewish cemetery
UA06270101 Hudigai 20th c. none 1 to 20 Agriculture
UA06210101 Iza 19th c. none 21 to 100 Jewish cemetery
UA06450101 Keretsky n/a none 0 agriculture
UA06030101 Khust 19th c. continuous masonry wall 501 to 5000 Jewish cemetery
UA06150101 Kolachova 19th c. none 21 to 100 Jewish cemetery
UA06380101 Komiaty 19th c. Continuous fence, gate with lock 101 to 500 Jewish cemetery
UA06240101 Korolevo 19th c. none 21 to 100 Jewish cemetery, agriculture, road
UA06640101 Kosiny 20th c. continuous wall and fence 150 Jewish cemetery
UA06200101 Majdan 19th c. Broken fence, 21 to 100 Jewish cemetery
UA06430101 Matkiv 19th c.
21 to 100 Jewish cemetery
UA06090101 Mizhhirja 19th c. Broken fence 21 to 100 Jewish cemetery
UA06320101 Nevetlefalee (Diakovo) 19th c. Continuous fence, gate that locks 21 to 100 Jewish cemetery
Novoselytsia 19th c. none 21 to 100 Jewish cemetery
UA0617010 Nyizhnij Studenyj 19th c. none 21 to 100 Jewish cemetery
UA06230101 Nyzhnij Veretsky 19th c. Continuous masonry wall, gate without lock 101 to 500 Jewish cemetery
UA06390101 Onok 19th c. none 21 to 100 Jewish cemetery
UA06120101 Pryslup 19th c. none 21 to 100 Jewish cemetery
UA06160101 Pylypets 19th c. none 21 to 100 Jewish cemetery
UA06070101 Rakhiv 19th c. Continuous fence, gate without lock 101 to 500 Jewish cemetery
Rokosiv 19th c. none 101 to 500 Jewish cemetery
UA06290101 Sasivka 19th c. continuous fence 101 to 500 Jewish cemetery
UA06490101 Sokyrnytsia 19th c. Continuous fence, gate without lock 101 to 500 Jewish cemetery
UA06020101 Solotvyno unknown none 501 to 5000 Jewish cemetery
UA06020102 Solotvyno 1970 Gate without lock 1 to 20
Jewish cemetery
UA06100101 Synevir 19th c. broken fence 21 to 100 Jewish cemetery
UA06280101 Tekehaza 19th c. continuous fence 21 to 100 Jewish cemetery
UA06050101 Tiachiv 18th c. continuous fence, gate that locks 101 to 500 Jewish cemetery
UA06010101 Uzhhorod 18th c. broken masonry wall, gate that locks, signs or plaques in local language and Yiddish 501 to 5000 Jewish cemetery
UA06010102 Uzhhorod unknown Continuous masonry wall, gate that locks, Jewish symbols on gate 500-5000 Jewish cemetery
UA06540101 V. Aleksandrivka 19th c. none 101 to 500 Jewish cemetery
UA06520101 V. Bereziv Nyhnij 19th c. hedges 21 to 100 Jewish cemetery
UA06350101 V. Bobovo n/a none
0 Agriculture
V. Chumalevo 19th c. none
21 to 100 Jewish cemetery
UA06400101 Velyki Kopany n/a none 0 Agriculture
UA06440101 Verbovets n/a none 0 Agriculture
UA06140101 Verchnia Bystra 19th c. Continuous fence 21 to 100 Jewish cemetery
UA06080101 V. Ilnycia 19th c. none
21 to 100
Jewish cemetery
UA06360101 Vilok 19th c. continuous fence, gate that locks 101 to 500 Jewish cemetery
UA06600101 V. Koshelvo 19th c. none
21 to 100 Jewish cemetery
UA06550101 V. Nankovo 19th none 21 to 100
Jewish cemetery
UA06370101 V. Nove Selo 19th none
21 to 100
UA06560101 V. Nyzhnie Selyshche 19th none
21 to 100 Jewish cemetery
UA06060101 V. Torun 19th none 21 to 100 Jewish cemetery
UA06610101 V. Veliatyn 19th none 21 to 100 Jewish cemetery
UA06530101 V. Vyshkiv 19th none
21 to 100 Jewish cemetery
UA06220101 V. Vynohradiv 18th c. continuous fence, gate that locks 501 to 5000 Jewish cemetery
UA06220102 V. Vynohradiv 1952 continuous fence, gate without lock 21 to 100 Jewish part of municipal cemetery
UA06220103 V. Vynohradiv n/a none
Industrial or commercial
UA06040101 V. Yaseniv Polnyj Unknown none
501 to 5000 Jewish cemetery
UA06310101 V. Yulivtsi 19th c. none
101 to 500 Jewish part of municipal cemetery
Parent Category: EASTERN EUROPE