NOVYI YARYCHEV:     US Commission No. UA13600101
Alternative names: German: Jaritschev Polish: Jaryczow. It is located in Lvovskaya Oblast at 49º54' and 41º87', 25 km from Lvov. The cemetery is located E of village, Uvileinaya St. (odd side). Present town population is 5000-25000 with no Jews.
-- Town officials: Village Soviet chief Kulik Roman Dmitrievich, tel.: 54343, secretary tel.: 54178. Village Soviet - Novyi Yarychev, tel.: 54178, near the church.
-- Regional officials: Lvov Regional State Administration, Lvov Vinnichenko St., 18, reception room, tel.: 722947, 728093. Lvov Center State Historical Archives (CSHA), Sobornaya Square, 3a, tel.: 723508.
-- Lvov Jewish Community, Lvov Mikhnovskih St., 4, Rabbi Mordekhai Shloime Bold, tel.: 330524.
     The unlocked cemetery has no caretaker. The earliest mention of Jewish community is 1577. 1881Jewish population was 1165. Effecting Jewish Community was Khmelnitchina (1648-1654). The Hasidic Orthodox unlandmarked cemetery was created in 17th century with last known Jewish burial in 1930s. Staryi Yarychev (3 km away) used this cemetery. The isolated suburban hillside among fields has no sign or marker. Reached by turning directly off the road, crossing other public properties, access is open with permission. Metal fence and a gate without lock surround the cemetery. The approximate size of the cemetery before the World War II was 0.67 hectares. There are no visible gravestones. More than 75% of stones are broken. The cemetery contains no mass graves. Present owners of the property are private owners of houses built in the cemetery. The cemetery borders a residential area. The cemetery boundaries are smaller than in 1939 because of the housing development. Rarely, local citizens visit. The cemetery was vandalized during the World War II and between 1945 and 1981. There has been no care or restoration. Within the cemetery there are residential structures. Very serious threat: vandalism, incompatibility with present and proposed development. Stones on the cemetery were broken during German occupation and during after-war period. Tombstones were used as building material. At present the cemetery has private houses. Moderate threat: pollution. Slight threat: safety, erosion, and vegetation overgrowth.
     Iosif Gelston, Lvov, 290049, PO Box 10569, tel./fax: (0322) 227490 completed survey on 4.10.1998. Documentation: CSHA, Fond 186, Inventory 8, 1100 Points of Safe, pages 3 and 4; Jewish Encyclopedia, B.16, p.410, St. Petersburg, 1912; Slownik Geograficzny Krolewstwa Polskiego, T.3, St., 463, Warszawa, 1881(in Polish). Iosif Gelston visited the site for this survey in 2.10.1998. Kulik Roman Dmitrievich, Village Soviet Chairman, citizen of Novyi Yarychev, tel.: 54343, was interviewed. [October 2000]
Parent Category: EASTERN EUROPE