NOVOUKRAINKA:     US Commission No. UA10020501
Alternate names: Novo Ukrainka (German). The town is located at 48º19 31º32, 71 km from Kirovograd. The mass grave is located at 12 km on the south from town near v. Poddubnoe. Present town population is 25,001-100,000 with 11-100 Jews.
-- Town officials: Town Soviet Chairman Khor'kova Tatiyana Ivanovna [Phone: (05251)21223].
-- Regional: Regional State Dept. Chairman Makodzeba Nikolay Gavrilovich [Phone: (05251)21002]. State Dept. of Kirovogradskaya Oblast
-- Jewish Community of Kirovograd.
-- Others: Museum of Local History - Chief Zavalishin Viktor Grigorievich [Phone: (05251)23541].
     The earliest known Jewish community was 19 century. 1939 Jewish population was 2800. Effecting Jewish Community were Civil War pogroms. The last known Hasidic burial was in 1942. Between fields and woods, the unlandmarked isolated hillside has signs or plaques in local language and signs or plaques in Hebrew mentioning Jews and the Holocaust. Reached by turning directly off a public road, access is open to all. No wall, fence, or gate surrounds. 1 to 20 common tombstones, all in original location, date from 1991. No stones were removed. The site contains marked mass graves. Municipality owns property used for Jewish cemetery and other. Properties adjacent are the forest. The mass grave boundaries is larger now than 1939. Occasionally, organized individual tours and Jewish or non-Jewish private visitors stop. This mass grave has not been vandalized. Local/municipal authorities and Jewish individuals abroad did re-erection of stones and cleared vegetation in 1991 to 1996. Occasionally, authorities clean or clear. Within the limits of the mass grave are no structures. Moderate threat: uncontrolled access and vegetation. Vegetation overgrowth is a seasonal problem, preventing access. Water drainage at mass grave is a seasonal problem. Slight threat: weather erosion, pollution and vandalism.
     Khodorkovsky Yury Isaakovich of Apt. 23, 37a Vozduhoflotsky Prospect, Kiev [Phone: (044)2769505] visited site on 05/11/96. Interviewed was Zavalishin Viktor Grigorievich on 05/11/96. Khodorkovsky completed survey on 14/11/96.
Parent Category: EASTERN EUROPE