NIKOLAEV:     US Commission No. UA13020101
Alternate names: Stanislawow (German) and Mikolajow (Polish). The town is located at 49º31 23º59, 45 km from L'vov. The cemetery is located at S of the town, near the town cemetery. Present town population is 5,001-25,000 with fewer than 10 Jews.
-- Town officials: Mayor Valerman Valery Andreevich of 1 Shevchenko Street [Phone: (241)31271].
-- Regional: Executive Committee of L'vovskaya Oblast Chairman Goryn' N.N. [Phone: (0322)728093].
-- Jewish Community of L'vovskaya Oblast
-- Others: Historical Museum of L'vovskaya Oblast and Museum of the Religion.
     The earliest known Jewish community was 17th century. 1939 Jewish population was 600. The last known Hasidic burial was in 1940. No other towns or villages used this unlandmarked cemetery. The urbancrown of a hill, separate but near other cemeteries, has no sign or marker. 100m at road, behind the Orthodox cemetery reaches it. Access is open to all. No wall, fence, or gate surrounds the cemetery. The approximate size of cemetery before WWII and now is 0.80 hectares. 101 to 500 stones, most in their original location, date from 1826. Location of any removed stones is unknown. The cemetery has special sections for women, rabbis and Cohanim. Some tombstones have traces of paint on their surfaces. The cemetery contains no known mass graves. Municipality owns property used for Jewish cemetery only. Properties adjacent are agricultural. The cemetery boundaries are unchanged since 1939. Rarely, Jewish or non-Jewish private visitors and local residents stop. The cemetery was not vandalized in the last ten years. There is no maintenance now. Within the limits of the cemetery are no structures. Serious threat: uncontrolled access (Around the cemetery is agriculture that, in all probability, will take-over the cemetery.) and vegetation (The trees destroy the graves and tombstones. Vegetation overgrowth is a constant problem, disturbing graves.) Moderate threat: vandalism. Slight threat: weather erosion and pollution.
     Aberman S.E. of Apt. 2, 4 Novakovskogo Street, L'vov [Phone: (0322)724687] visited and completed survey on 18/10/95.
Parent Category: EASTERN EUROPE