KUYBYSHEVO:     US Commission No. UA21060501
Kuybyshevo is located in Khersonskaya, 35 km from Berislav, 80 km from Kherson and 135 km from Nikolayev. The mass grave is located at center of the village. Present town population is under 1,000 with no Jews.
-- Town officials: Chairman of Sovhoz of Khlevniy Viktor Phedorovich [Phone: (05546) 55237].
-- Regional: officials: Regional Executive Committee of Berislav - Chairman Dovgan K.V. [Phone: (05546) 22005]. Regional Executive Committee, Chupryna Vladimir G. [Phone: (05522) 25290]. Regional Department of Culture in Berislavl - Chistyakova Zoya Emelyanovna [Phone: (05546) 21636].
-- Jewish Community of Kherson. Steyman [Phone: (05522) 64129].
     No Jews from other towns or villages were murdered here. The unlandmarked and isolated urban flat land has signs or plaques in local language mentioning the Holocaust. Reached by crossing village street, access is open to all. No wall, fence, or gate surrounds the mass grave. 1 to 20 common tombstones, all in original location with none toppled or broken and no stones removed, date from 1960. The site contains marked mass graves. The municipality owns the property. Adjacent properties are residential. Local residents visit rarely. This mass grave has not been vandalized. Local/municipal authorities and Jewish groups within country did re-erection of stones in 1960. Now, authorities occasionally clean or clear site. Within the limits of the mass grave are no structures. Moderate threat: uncontrolled access. Slight threat: weather erosion, pollution, vegetation and vandalism.
     Oks Vladimir Moiseevich of 270065, Odessa, Varnenskaya St. 17d, Apt. 52 [Phone: (0482) 665950] visited site and completed survey on 12/19/94. Interviewed was Tishchenko A.N. Other documentation exists but was inaccessible.
Parent Category: EASTERN EUROPE