KROLEVETS I:     US Commission No. UA18030501
Alternate names: Krolewies (Hungarian). Krolevets is located in Sumskaya at 51º33 33º23, 152 km from Sumy and 264 km from Kiev. The mass grave is located at east part of town, "Zagrebelye", Proletarskaya st. 84. Present town population is 25,001-100,000 with 11-100 Jews.
-- Town officials: Town Soviet, Mochulskiy Nikolay Vasilievich of Sovetskaya st. 19 [Phone: (05453) 95554]. Shevchenko St. - Kats Anatoliy Viktorovich
-- Religious community of Dubrovskiy Zinoviy Moiseevich, Franko St. 2/21.
-- Regional: Region archive, Sovetskaya St. 19 - Usenko Fedor Ivanovich. Sumy Oblast Archive, Sadovaya st. 14 - Zaika Larisa Akimovna [Phone: (05422) 25486].
     The earliest known Jewish community was begining 19 [sic]. 1926 Jewish population (census) was 1304. Effecting Jewish Community were 1905 pogroms and 1919 Denikin's pogroms. The unlandmarked Jewish mass grave was dug in 1941. No Jews from other towns or villages were murdered here. The suburban flat land part of a municipal cemetery has no sign or marker. Reached by crossing Jewish cemetery, access is open to all. A continuous fence with no gate surrounds site. The approximate size of mass grave is now 0.01 hectares. No stones were removed. Stones date from 1970. The site contains marked mass graves. The local Jewish community and the municipality own mass burial site. Adjacent properties are Jewish cemetery. Occasionally, private Jewish or non-Jewish visitors and local residents stop at site. This mass grave has not been vandalized. There is no maintenance. Within the limits of the mass grave are no structures. Vegetation overgrowth is a constant problem, disturbing graves. Water drainage at the mass grave is a seasonal problem. Moderate threat: uncontrolled access and vegetation. Slight threat: weather erosion and pollution.
     Sokolova Eleonora Evgenevna - 253152, Kiev, Tychiny Prospect 5, Apt. 68 [Phone: (044) 5505681] visited site and completed survey on 12/3/94. Interviewed were Dubrovskiy Zinoviy Moiseevich of Franko st., 2/21 [Phone: (05453) 97780] on 12/3/94 and Karlinskaya Bella Borisovna of Shevchenko st., 25, apt.2 [Phone: (05453) 95668] on 12/3/95. Other documentation exists but was inaccessible.
KROLEVETS II:     US Commission No. UA18030101
     The cemetery is located at Proletarskaya St. 84, "Zagrebele". Buried in the cemetery is Tzadak Karlinskiy Bentsion Abramovich. The last known Hasidic burial was 1992. No other towns or villages used this unlandmarked cemetery. The isolated suburban hillside has no sign or marker. Reached by turning directly off a public road, access is open to all. No wall, fence, or gate surrounds site. 101 to 500 stones, most in original location with less than 25% of surviving stones toppled or broken, date from 1893 to 20th century. Location of any removed tombstones is unknown. The cemetery has special sections for men, women, children and other. Some tombstones have traces of painting on their surfaces, iron decorations or lettering, other metallic elements, portraits on stones, and/or metal fences around graves. The vemetery contains no known mass graves. The local Jewish community owns Jewish cemetery. Adjacent properties are agricultural and residential. The cemetery boundaries are unchanged since 1939. Occasionally, Jewish or non-Jewish private visitors and local residents stop. The cemetery was vandalized during World War II and occasionally in the last ten years. Jewish individuals within country, Jewish individuals abroad and Jewish groups within country did re-erection of stones, patched broken stones, cleaned stones and cleared vegetation 1950-1990. Now there is "other" care. Within the limits of the cemetery are a pre-burial house and other structures. Vegetation overgrowth is a constant problem, disturbing graves. Serious threat: uncontrolled access and vegetation. Moderate threat: vandalism. Slight threat: weather erosion and pollution.
     Sokolova Eleonora Evgenievna of 253152, Kiev, Tycini Prospect 5, Apt. 68 [Phone: (044) 5505681] visited site and completed survey on 8/29/94. Interviewed on 8/29/94 were Dubrovskiy Zinoviy Moiseevich of Franka St. 2 [Phone: (05453) 97780] and Karlinnskaya Bella Borisovna of Shevchenko St. 25, apt.2 [Phone: (05453) 95668]. Other documentation exists but was inaccessible.
Parent Category: EASTERN EUROPE