KONSTINTSY:     US Commission No. UA25180501
Alternate names: Kostintsy (Yiddish), Costesti (German) and Kosteshti (Slov). Konstintsy is located in Chernovitskaya at 48º17 25º36, 16 km from Storozhintsa and 26 km from Chernovtsy. The mass grave is located at northern village. Present town population is 1,000-5,000 with no Jews.
     1939 Jewish population (census) was 274. The unlandmarked, 1942 Jewish mass grave was dug for Konstintsy Jews only. The rural (agricultural) flat land, part of a municipal cemetery, has signs or plaques in local language mentioning famous individuals buried in cemetery. Reached by crossing road to Verhniye Stanovtsy, access is open to all. A continuous fence with no gate surrounds site. 1 to 20 stones, all in original location with none toppled or broken and no stones removed, date from 1966. The mass grave has only common tombstones. The site contains marked mass graves. The municipality owns the property. Adjacent properties are agricultural. Occasionally, private Jewish or non-Jewish visitors and local residents stop at site. This mass grave has not been vandalized. Local/municipal authorities erected multi-stone monument in 1966. Now, authorities occasionally clean or clear site. Within the limits of the mass grave are no structures. Water drainage at the mass grave is a seasonal problem. Slight threat: vegetation.
     Hodorkovsky Yuriy Isaakovich of 252037 Ukraine, Kiev, Vozduhoflotsky 37a, Apt. 23 [Phone: (044) 2769505] visited site on 3/13/95. No interviews were conducted. Hodorkovsky completed survey on 03/22/1995.
Parent Category: EASTERN EUROPE