KALINOVKA:     US Commission No. UA17290501
Alternate names: Kolenya (Russian). Kalinovka is located in Rovenskaya at 51º8 26º18, 62 km from Rovno. The mass grave is located at 400m from school, north. Present town population is under 1,000 with no Jews.
-- Town officials: Stepan Village Executive Council of Kievskaya Street, 15 [Phone: (03655) 41500].
-- Regional: Bureau of Oblast Memorial Protection. Local History Museum of Rovno, Dragomanova,19 [Phone: (03622)21833].
-- Jewish Community of Rovno, Shkolnaya 39 [Phone: (0362) 269993].
-- Others: Yad Vashem, Israel. State Oblast Archive of Rovno, Moskovskaya Street, 26 [Phone: (0362) 263024].
     The earliest known Jewish community was 17th century. 1939 Jewish population (census) was 1325. Effecting the Jewish Community were Khmelnitskiy's pogroms, World War I. The Jewish mass grave was dug on 5 October 1942 for Hasidic (Karlin-Stolin). No Jews from other towns or villages were murdered here. The unlandmarked isolated wooded flat land has signs or plaques in local language mentioning the Holocaust. Reached by turning directly off a public road, access is open to all. No wall, fence, or gate surrounds the mass grave. 1 to 20 common tombstones, all in original location with none toppled or broken and no stones removed, date from 1991. The site contains marked mass graves. The municipality owns the property. Adjacent properties are forest. The mass grave boundaries is larger now than 1939. Rarely, Jewish or non-Jewish visitors and local residents visit site. The mass grave not was vandalized in the last ten years. Local non-Jewish residents did re-erection of stones in 1991. Now, authorities occasionally clean or clear site. Within the limits of the mass grave are no structures. Slight threat: uncontrolled access, vegetation, vandalism, and existing nearby development and proposed nearby development.
     Kirzhner Moisey of 263005, Lutsk, Grushevskogo Prospect 18, Apt. 38 [Phone: (03322) 34775] visited site and completed survey on 9/9/96. Interviewed were Bogonos M.P. on 9/9/96. Other documentation exists but was inaccessible.
Parent Category: EASTERN EUROPE