GREBYONKI I:     US Commission No. UA09330101
Alternate name: Grebyonki (English). The town is located at 49÷57 30÷12, 30 km from Vasil'kov and 56 km from Kiev. The cemetery is located at southern outskirts of the village, Industrial'naya Street. Present town population is 5,001-25,000 with fewer than 10 Jews.      The earliest known Jewish community was 19th century. 1926 Jewish population was 134. Effecting Jewish Community was 25.08.1941 execution of 37 Jews by Germans. The last known Jewish burial was in 1941. Salivonki (4km away) used this unlandmarked cemetery. The isolated flat suburban land has no sign or marker. Reached by turning directly off a public road, access is open with permission. No wall, fence, or gate surrounds site. The approximate size of cemetery before WWII was 1.40 hectares. No stones are visible. Location of any removed stones is unknown. The cemetery pulled down and monuments removed. The cemetery contains no known mass graves. The municipality owns the property now used for industrial or commercial use. Adjacent properties are commercial or industrial. The cemetery is visited rarely by private visitors. The cemetery was vandalized occasionally in the last 10 years. Within the limits of the cemetery are no structures. The oil base is nearby but no real threats.
     Sokolova Eleonora Yevgeniyevna of 253152, Kiev, Tichini Street N5, apt.68 [Phone: (044) 5505681] visited and completed survey on 08/09/1996. Interviewed were Kobzarenko Ganna Yevtukhovna of Grebyonki, Pervogo Maya Street N35 [Phone: no] on 08/09/1996. Documentation: Veytsblit I.I. Movement of Jewish People in Ukraine,published by 'Proletar', 1930. Jewish Encyclopedia,published by Brokgauz-Yefron', Leningrad. The history of towns and villages of Ukraine, Kievskaya Oblast,Kiev, 1971. Semyonov P., Geographical and statistical dictionary of Russian Empire, 1865. The list of populated areas in Kievskaya Province. Statistical reference-book of numbers of Jewish population in Russia, 1918.
GREBYONKI II:     US Commission No. UA09330501
     The 1941 unlandmarked mass grave is located at east part of the center of the village, Lenina Street. See above for town and historical information. Taran Nokolay Polikarpovich, Grebyonki, [Phone: (?????)22311] may have information. The isolated urban flat land has no sign or marker. Reached by crossing other public sugar factory, access is open to all. No wall, fence or gate surrounds the mass grave. No stones are visible. No stones were removed. Municipality owns the site now used for industrial or commercial use. Adjacent properties are commercial or industrial. The mass grave boundaries is larger now than 1939. The mass grave is visited rarely by private visitors and local residents. This mass grave never was vandalized. There is no maintenance or structures. No threats.
     Taran Vasiliy Ivanovich of Grebyonki, Lenina Street, N22, [Phone: 71276] was interviewed on 08/09/1996.
     Sokolova Eleonora Yevgeniyevna of 253152, Kiev, Tichini St. N5, apt.68 [Phone: (044) 5505681] on 08/09/1996. Documentation: Veytsblit I.I. Movement of Jewish people in Ukraine', published by 'Proletar', 1930. Jewish Encyclopedia,published by Brokgauz-Yefron', Leningrad. The history of towns and villages of Ukraine, Kievskaya Oblast', Kiev, 1971. Semyonov P., Geographical and statistical dictionary of Russian Empire, 1865. The list of populated areas in Kievskaya Province'. Statistical reference-book of numbers of Jewish population in Russia', 1918. Other documentation exists but was inaccessible.
Parent Category: EASTERN EUROPE