GOLOGORY:     US Commission No. UA13350101
Alternative names: German: Gologori. It is located in Lvovskaya Oblast at 49º45' and 24º43', 23km from Zolochev, 50 km from Lvov. The cemetery is located in the north part of the village to the right of the road to Lvov. Present town population is 1000-5000.

The earliest mention of Jewish Community in the town is 1470. 1835 Jewish population was 500. Effecting Jewish community was Ukrainian-Polish War (1648-1655). The unlandmarked Orthodox cemetery was created in the 17th century with last known Jewish burial before June 1941. The isolated suburban hilltop with no sign or marker is reached by turning directly off the road. Access is open to all. No wall, fence, or gate surrounds the cemetery. The approximate size of the cemetery prior the World War II was 0,86 hectares. 1-20 gravestones, none in location and more than 75% of stones broken, date from 18th century. Some gravestones are part of roads or structures. The sandstone finely smoothed and inscribed stones or flat stones with carved relief decoration have Hebrew inscriptions. There are no separate monuments or unknown mass graves. The municipality owns the site used only as Jewish cemetery. The cemetery borders agricultural area. The boundaries are smaller than in 1939 because of agriculture. The cemetery is visited from time to time by local citizens. The cemetery was vandalized during World War II, sometimes during last 10 years, and between 1945 and 1981. There is no restoration or structures. Pieces of stones were demolished by herdsmen (east of Monument to Victims of Epidemic) and put in ravine, face-to-face, where expedition participant of the JPC found them. Serious threat: vandalism. Moderate threat: erosion, pollution, and vegetation overgrowth. Slight threat: safety, incompatible construction.
Iosif Gelston, Lvov, 290049, PO Box 10569, tel./fax: (0322) 227490 visited site and completed survey on 15.10.1998. Documentation: CSHA, Fond 186, inventory 6; Slownik Geogr. Krol. Pol. T.2, St.675, Wasz., 1881 (in Polish); Akty Grodzkie i Ziemskie. T.19, nr.2599, Warsz, Lwow, 1888 (in Polish). Interviewed was village soviet Chairman Gritsman Luba Vladimirovna, citizen of Gologory, tel.: 77218.


Photos by Charles Burns [March 2016]

Parent Category: EASTERN EUROPE