GOLOBUTOV:     US Commission No. UA13340501
Alternative names: German: Golobutov; Polish: Golobutow. It is located in Lvovskaya Oblast, 8 km from Striy. The mass grave is located to the northeast from Golobutov, near the quarry of brick factory in Railov. Present town population is less than 1000 with no Jews.      The earliest mention of Jewish community in the town is 1563. 1935 Jewish population was 10,568. Effecting Jewish community was privileges granted in 1576; building of a synagogue in 1660 and 1817, and fire in 1886. Yakob from Lishnya, author of Galakhik works died here in 1832. The cemetery is unlocked with no caretaker. The pit was dug in Spring 1943 for Orthodox Jews. (8km away) Striy, (19 km away), Lisyatychy, (18km away) Morshin, and (13km away) Bratkovtsy also were murdered at this unlandmarked site. Near Golobutov. Jews from Striy and other local towns and villages were killed. Guilty for this action are Fon Devits, Ebenkhert, Klyarman, Iozef Gabriel, Vasilii Lekh, and Kuziv Onufrii. See SALR, Fond 5001, inventory 6, sheets 10, 26, 30, 31) The road to the quarry, then walking to desolate quarry reaches the isolated wooded plain with no sign or the marker. From Railov, walk to the quarry. No wall, fence, or gate surrounds the cemetery. Now, site contains six 6x12m pits with no gravestones or markers. Present owner is unknown. The property used only as Jewish cemetery. The cemetery borders industrial and commercial area. The cemetery boundaries are larger than in 1939. The cemetery is visited rarely by private visitors. The cemetery was vandalized during last 10 years and between 1945 and 1981. Very serious threat: vegetation overgrowth. The mass burial site shows evidences of digging in the pits and marauding. After war years, a part of the site was destroyed by Railov brick factory. The mass burial site has been covered with vegetation; shrubs that prevent access.
     Iosif Gelston, Lvov 290049, PO Box 10569, tel./fax: (0322) 227490 completed survey 10.11.1998. Gelston visited the site on 28.10.1998. Person interviewed was Fedunishin Petro Vasilievich, citizen of Golobutov with house near the church in Golobutov. Documentation: SALR, Fond 5001, inv. 6, 39 Points of Safe, sheet 9,10,26,30,31; A. Prochazka Historja m. Stryja, Lwow, 1926, St. 129 (in Polish); Jewish Encyclopedia, B.14, p. 583, St. Petersburg, 1912; Slownik Geogr. Krol. Pols, T.11, St. 429, Warszawa, 1880 (in Polish). Other documents exist, but were too general.
Parent Category: EASTERN EUROPE