DOBROTVOR (STARYI):     US Commission No. UA13640101
Alternative names: German: Dobrotvor, Polish: Dobrotwor. It is located in Lvovskaya at 50º14' and 24º22', 62 km from Lvov is, 17 km from Kamenka-Bugskaya. The cemetery is located at the northwest of village, near the Christian cemetery. Present town population is 1000-5000.
     The earliest mention of a Jewish community is 1564-1565. 1900 Jewish population was about 500. The unlandmarked and unmarked cemetery was created in the 18th century with last known Orthodox Jewish burial was in 1930s. The isolated suburban plain is next to the Christian cemetery. Reached by turning directly off the road, right from the school and then to the left, access is open for all. No wall, fence or gate surround no visible gravestones or mass graves. More than 75% of stones are broken. The municipality owns property used for agricultural tillage field. Recently two one-floor residences were built on the cemetery property. The cemetery borders residential area and Christian cemetery. The cemetery boundaries are smaller than in 1939 because of the housing development. The cemetery is visited rarely by local citizens. The cemetery was vandalized during the World War II and since. Gravestones were broken after World War II as building material. Part of the cemetery territory is used as kitchen gardens. Another part is littered with concrete stones covered with high grass in summer.
     Iosif Gelston, Lvov 290049, PO Box 10569, tel./fax: (0322) 227490 completed survey on 4.10.1998. Documentation: Slownik Geograficzny Krolewstwa Polskiego , T.2, St.78, Warszawa, 1881 (in Polish); Sources of History of Ukrainian Towns and Villages , , B.3, p.311-314, Lvov. He visited site on 2.10.1998 and interviewed Mikhailo Petrovich Khimka, Village Soviet chairman, citizen of Staryi Dobrotvor, tel.: 56323.
Parent Category: EASTERN EUROPE