DIKOVKA:     US Commission No. UA10120501
Dikovka is 57km from Kirovograd and 25km from Znamenka. The mass grave is located at southwest outskirt of the village. Present town population is 1,000-5,000 with no Jews.
     This unlandmarked Hasidic mass grave was dug in 1942. Dmitrovka village (10km away) and Yasinovatka village (10km away) Jews were murdered here also. The suburban hillside, part of a municipal cemetery, has signs or plaques Ukrainian mentioning the Holocaust. Reached by turning directly off a public road, access is open to all. No wall, fence, or gate surrounds the site. The approximate size of mass grave is now 0.01 hectares. 1 to 20 common tombstones, all in original location, date from 20th century. Municipality owns mass grave now used for Jewish cemetery only. Adjacent properties are commercial or industrial and agricultural. The mass grave boundaries are larger now than 1939. The site is visited occasionally by organized individual tours and private visitors. This mass grave has not been vandalized. Local/municipal authorities re-erected stones and cleared vegetation 1981-1996. Now, there is occasional clearing or cleaning by authorities. Within the limits of the mass grave are no structures. Slight threat: uncontrolled access, pollution, vegetation, vandalism and proposed nearby development.
     Hodorkovskiy Yuriy Isaakovich of Kiev, Vozdukhoflotskiy Street, N37-A, apt.23 [Phone: (044)2769505] visited site on 13/11/1996. Shlyakhovoy Konstantin Vasiliyevich [Phone: (0522) 224890] was interviewed on 04/11/1996. He completed survey on 13/11/1996. Documentation: The History of Towns and Villages of Ukraine Kirovogradskaya Oblast . Kiev, 1972; The passport of the Historical Monument.
Parent Category: EASTERN EUROPE