US Commission No. UA24040101
Alternate names: Bobrovitza (Polish) and Bobrovitsa (Russian). Bobrovica 251150 is located in Chernigovskaya at 51º31 31º22, 79 km from Kiev and 105 km from Chernigov. Present town population is 5,001-25,000 with no Jews.
Officials were not reported.
The earliest known Jewish community was first half of 19th century. 1926 Jewish population (census) was 154. The Jewish cemetery was established in the 19th century with last known Hasidic Jewish burial 1941. Yaroslavka (8km away) used this unlandmarked cemetery. The isolated suburban agricultural flat land has no sign or marker. Reached by turning directly off a public road, access is open to all. Hedges or trees but no gate surround the cemetery. No stones are visible. Location of removed stones is unknown. The cemetery contains no known mass graves. Owner of property is not reported., 1974-1980. Adjacent properties are other. The cemetery boundaries are smaller now than 1939 because of agriculture. Jewish individuals within country cleaned stones and cleared vegetation until 1941. There is no maintenance now. Within the limits of the cemetery are no structures. Very serious threat: uncontrolled access, pollution and vegetation. Moderate threat: weather erosion, vandalism, existing and proposed nearby development.
Sokolova Eleonora Evgenievna of Kiev, Tychini pr. 5, Apt. 68 253152 [ph: (044) 5505681] visited the site for this on 7/29/94 and interviewed Gusak Nikolay Savich of Artema St., 4 [ph: (04632) 21900] on 7/29/94 and Nikolaenko Ivan Dmitrievich of Olega Bychka St. 59 on 7/29/94. She completed survey on 07/29/1994.
Parent Category: EASTERN EUROPE